Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

The maximum of the weight number is 2. If we assume the standard 
error of the y-parallax measurements and of the coordinate measure- 
ments to be equal, the weight number (317) can be added to the weight 
number (311). Corresponding expressions for points along the edges of 
the strip can be found in a similar way. Evidently the weight number 
(311) dominates the complete error expression after a few models. There- 
fore we will regard the expression (311) as the weight number of the 
x-coordinates of the strip after the transformation. 
Further, points along the edges of the strip are influenced by the 
total error Dx according to the expressions (235)—(238). Since this 
term is not correlated with the other terms of the expressions (235) — 
(238) the influence can easily be determined as a weight number which 
can be added to the expression (311). Also this term can frequently 
be neglected. 
3.222. The y-coordinates 
For the control points (293) and the basic formula (18) of the coordi- 
nate transformation we find from (240) in a similar way as concerning 
the x-coordinates (298) the residual error of the corrected y-coordinates 
| ; p 
Ry = Dby, — hDo, Imm (Dby, — hDo,) (318) 
Substituting the expressions (213)—(214) we find 
im? i=p i=p D i=n 
Ry = b p—i) dx; + X dby; — h XN do; ——|b X (n — i) dx; + 
} 1 L Ji i i 
i i i “YX is 
i=1 iz] iz] iid 
t^ i=n 
+ 2 dby, — h X dw; (319) 
i=1 i=1 
This expression can be rearranged 
i=? p imp p i=n 
Ry=02 p-—i)dxz; —— bXn—i)dx,——b X (n — 1) dx; + 
ied " i=1 n i=p+1 
i=p ) i=p p i=n i=p ph i=p 
+ À dby; — X dby; — AX dby —h X do; 4- — X do 4- 
i-i "i= n i p+1 i=1 i 
ph i=n ji 
-- = do; (320) 
n i=p+1 

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