Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

EEE — — —— 
Finally we will also take the measurements in the control points and 
in arbitrary points into account. 
We assume the control points to be located as follows 
X = 0 = € Xs = bu 
yi bb yi —6 ys 7-0 
In these points the errors of the elevation measurements (the setting 
of the floating mark) are assumed to be dh,, dh, and dh,. The corre- 
sponding error in an arbitrary point is assumed to be dh. 
The differential formula for the transformation of the elevations of 
the strip into the system of the ground is 
dh = dhy + xdn + ydé (335) 
In this formula dh, is a translation, di; and d£ are rotations of the 
strip around axes, parallel to the y- and x-axes respectively. dh is the 
error of an arbitrary point with the coordinates x and y. 
Now we want to determine corrections dh,, di; and d£ from the errors 
dh, , dh, and dh,. From (335) and (334) we obtain the correction equations 
dh, — — dh, — bdé 
dh, — — dh, 4- bd£ (336) 
dh, — — dh, — bndy 
From the solution of (336) we find the correction 
dh, + dh, 
dh — 2 (337) 
dh, -- dh, — 2 dh, 
di LI 
dh, — dh, 
D 339 
d£ 2b (339) 
We assume the errors of elevation measurements to be equal in all 
points and to be represented by the standard error s, of the elevation 

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