Vm? n)
^ Mí m- : my
150 +
100 4
50 4
0 T T T T T —>n
10 20 30 40 50
Diagram 22. Model triangulation. Mean values of radial standard errors. Bridging.
So — = 1
ent lengths of the strip and the mean value can be determined with
elementary methods.
4.1. Stereo-radial triangulation
From (143) and (146) we find
2 ind 4n? - 8 amm—— 4 ( 3 | 2 42 29 m2 | 99 25
m, — m, + M, = 8, x; (4 p! — 8np® + 4 n° p? — 22 p? + 22 np) (351)