Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

5.3. Ordinary aerial strip triangulation 
For » — we find from (353) 
h n 
My = 8o 120 3 (49 n? -- 734) (370) 
We find a minimum of m, for 
h 20.438 (371) 
which corresponds to n = 
For c — 150 mm we find 
m, — 0,0108 s, (372) 
For s, — 0,01 mm we find 
m, — 0,000108 S (373) 
For S — 20 km we find 
h — 8600 meters 
m, — 2,2 meters 
6. Convergent photography 
Up to now, only approximately vertical photographs have been treated. 
Convergent photography, however, seems to be used more and more 
and therefore it is of interest to pay some attention to the theory of 
errors of aerial triangulation with such photographs. 
The general principles of convergent aerial photography are dem- 
onstrated in fig. 7. Concerning the signs etc. of the elements of orien- 
tation see fig. 8. 
The general principles of theory of errors for convergent aerial photo- 
grammetry are treated by HALLERT 1954. In particular the most im- 
portant weight- and correlation numbers of the elements of the relative 
orientation for the convergent case were derived in the mentioned 

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