9. Determination of the most effective relation between flying altitude
h and triangulation distance S......2............ 91
5.1. Stereo-radial triangulation. .....,,....,,....,.,.. 2... 91
5,2 Independent model triangulatio…n.. ..., ............. 93
5.3. Ordinary aerial strip frisngulation.’. $a 2. 0 94
6. Gonvergené photography ................. TL LA 94
6.1. Some examples of the influence of the atmospheric refraction and the
earth’s curvature in convergent aerial photogrammetry ......... 97
Conclusions +010 an N LANA (sien gene Adi 114
Acknowledgements. + +00 0i x + ++ ++ 1114 ann SE 115
References / 5. 079736 92 100, qutd papi ote idle minding sop Spgs 116