The closer union of aerial surveys with highway engineering brought rapid
advancements in developments and in applications. Much of the progress occurred
in consequence of planning and conducting to successful completion various types
of research and development projects in aerial surveys, in highway engineering,
and jointly in both. Important aspects of the progress were in the development
of better materials, equipment, and procedures of use; the addition of analyt-
ical methods; and the employment of printers, measuring and plotting instru-
ments, computers, and other devices utilizing electronic principles.
Proper perspective regarding the role of aerial surveys in highway engi-
neering is not obtainable solely from such historic highlights in development
and use. In actuality, background theory and basic principles of photogram-
metry are old but their applications in highway engineering are young. To
fully understand the relationship of highways to and their ever-increasing
dependence on aerial surveys, it is essential that we look into the modern
aspects of highway engineering.
Highway Service Standards
By considering current conditions and anticipated future requirements, the
need for a new highway, or the need for relocation or improvement of an exist-
ing highway, is determined by engineers in cooperation with planning groups.
Based on present and estimated future types and numbers of motor vehicles and
the essentials of service to population, land, industry, commerce and agricul-
ture, the engineers establish highway systems, designate terminal points for
specific projects, and define the type of highway to be located, designed, and
constructed in order to provide the required traffic services. The estimated
future traffic, usually 20 years hence, by types and number of vehicles, estab-
lishes the service standards which must be complied with to make each specific
type of highway effective, in terms of convenience, comfort, and safety, for a
reasonable service life.
Among the service standards which are governed by the number and types of
vehicles, and the design speed at which estimated future traffic may safely
move on a highway under normal weather and road surface conditions are: Hori-
zontal alinement, including limits in sharpness of circular curves, desirable
length of spiral (transition) curves and joining tangents; rates of superele-
vation; vertical alinement, including desirable and maximum profile gradients,
and minimum and desirable length of vertical curves; minimum length of horizon-
tal and vertical sight distances for passing and non-passing; number and width
of traffic lanes; type and width of median strips where required; width of
shoulders; limiting rate of slopes in cut, on fill, and for side ditches; desir-
able and minimum’ width of rights-of-way; full, partial, or no control of access;
the need for grade separations, interchanges, and frontage roads; and so forth.
Fully related and applied throughout each successive stage of highway engineer-
ing and construction, the foregoing standards, and any others that are appli-
cable, comprise the geometric aspects of the highway. Properly and economi-
cally fitting the highway and its right-of-way to the topography and land use,
and adequately preparing detailed construction plans, constitute highway loca-
tion and design.
Highway Location in Retrospect
From the early days of highway construction to less than 20 years ago,
highway locations, like railroad locations of the past, were usually determined
by one engineer known as the "locator." The locator walked and/or rode over
the area between designated terminal points. In effect, as he trudged from
one visibility vantage point to another, he made a reconnaissance survey by
on-the-ground examination of the details of topography and land use, and ascer-
tained their condition and control over positioning of a highway route.