Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

The practical application of numerical photogrammetry to surveys 
of several hundred miles in Canada and Africa has demonstrated that this method is 
capable of performing accurate and dependable measurements for railway design and 
construction. The best results are achieved when photogrammetry, design, ground 
surveys and electronic computations are soundly integrated into one system after 
full consideration of the requirements of the particular project. 
(1) W. Blaschke, Praktische Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung der Photogramme- 
trie beim Autobahnbau. Strasse und Autobahn 1957, Heft 9. 
(2) W. Blaschke, Luftbildmessung und elektronisches Rechnen im Dienste des 
Strassenbaues. Brucke und Strasse 1958, Heft 2. 
(3)  W.C. Cude, Potential Future Use of Photogrammetry in Highway Engineering. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, June 1957. 
(4) L.L. Funk, Improved Methods in Highway Location and Design. California 
Highways and Public Works, Nov/Dec. 1956. 
(5) L.L. Funk, Applications of Photogrammetry to the Location and Design of 
Freeways in California. Paper No. 4 in (9). 
(6) P. T. Gavaris, Utilization of Photogrammetric Mapping and Electronic Com- 
puters for Highway Design. Photogrammetric Engineering, Dec. 1957. 
(7) G. Gracie, Report on Group Meeting on Aerial Photography and Photogram- 
metry Applications to Highway Work. Photogrammetric Engineering, Dec. 1959. 
(8) Harris, Henry, Potter, Fundamentals of Electronic Processing. Highway 
Design, Jan. 1958. 
(9) Highway Research Board (Bulletin 157), Photogrammetric and Aerial Survey 
Symposium. Washington D. C. 1958. 
(10) H. Kasper, Photogrammetrie und elektronisches Rechnen im Dienste der 
Strassenprojektierung 1958. 
(11) G. MacDonald, Electronic Computation of Photogrammetric Data. Photogram- 
metric Engineering, June 1957. 
(12) C.L. Miller, Impact of the Expanded Highway Program on Photogrammetry. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Dec. 1956. 
(13) C.L. Miller, R. A. Laflamme, The Digital Terrain Model - Theory and 
Application. Photogrammetric Engineering, June 1958. 
(14) E.S. Preston, Co-ordination of Plotting Instruments and Computers in Cross- 
Sectioning and Calculation of Quantities. Paper in (9). 
(15) E.S. Preston, Study on Highway Location and Design. Photronics Inc., 
Columbus, Ohio 1957. 
(16) W.T. Pryor, Panel on Photogrammetry in the New Federal Highway Program. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Sept. 1957. 
(17) A.O. Quinn, Photogrammetry for the Highway Engineer. Civil Engineering 
(18) A.O. Quinn, Photogrammetry Aids the Engineer. Photogrammetric Engineer- 
ing, June 1959. 
(19) J.M. Zarzycki, Beitrag zur Fehlertheorie der raumlichen Aerotriangulation. 
Zuri 1952. ; 
(20) furi 1952 s, Photogrammetry in Highways and Railways Engineering, 
Canadian Engineering Journal, March 1959. 

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