Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

Ir , where 
i /. Coj* B] (oet arr! [net arro, [87 capt arte, ] " [stiaearr]) 
and r = number of points of the model, | 
In any photogrammetric. reduction problem we may. choose to eliminate. either the | 
coordinate. corrections of the model or the.corrections of the orientation 
parameters in the system of equations (31). Accordingly, we may write as in 
formula (37) 
to : n : n | 
o, iE (C801 Ax 2 (C, 0$ jj (38) | 
tain -al - ^ - - - - el - 
Cx; #8} {lap=arr!- [Lap-tarr go] [BF (AP~1AT 56] [Bb taP7tan]), 
and n - number of photogrammetric cameras. 
ch In photogrammetric measuring problems, generally speaking, the number of 
unknown orientation parameters will be less than the number of unknown coordi- 
nates of the model; therefore the elimination of Ax as suggested with 
formulas (57) will generally lead to the most economical solution, Block 
triangulation with a high degree of sidelap may be mentioned as an exception. 
) With the vector Ag known, the vector À x may be computed for each 
26) point separately, or vice-versa, from the upper portion of formulas (55). 
Thus for example Ay is: 
T - - - - 
Ax» [81 tap7t AT) 'ex|. [BItaptan) | ( A-Bo A0) (39) 

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