Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

Fig. 1. Mirror stereoscope a very important photogrammetric device. 
wide area, whereas in the detail planning the highest demands on the 
photogrammetry are related to the need for accuracy, and the survey 
plays here a subordinate röle. The demand for accuracy becomes grea- 
ter with each stage, and this is of decisive importance for the way in 
which the planning methods are worked out. 
The methods worked out at the National Road Board are intended to 
furnish a methodological skeleton for the planning, and have been ela- 
borated in such a way that deviations from the same for local reasons 
may easily be made. 
The greater part of the country has been already covered with pic- 
tures photographed from approx. 4.000 m cruising altitude with topo- 
gon or aviogon cameras. In recent years, moreover, air-pictures have 
been taken over the whole country from an altitude of 10.000 m with 
an Eagle camera through “Operation RAK”. These already existing 
pictures afford valuable help in the localization stage. In the form of 
contact prints the pictures are treated with the help of the mirror- 
stereoscope with parallax bar. 
The stereoscope gives a survey over the entire model, and through its 
enlargement possibilities of obtaining detail information in interesting 
sections. The measuring micrometer allows of the measurement of alti 

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