Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

2 E = + c. = 2 - K 9 s H = does not exist 
Sv y q oY y^ Ox, ry 
F d | ; 
a 2er = + et = = S i = 3 T z I = does not exist (41) 
oz, X q oz, x oy, X cont'd 
n =F = «C 8 = - = = L 3 i = 1. =] 
7 T7. q V y e, vy. 
O J p 
The q, Ay B. Ci» A» B5, Co» D, E, F terms are computed with formulas (12), 
(13) and the approximation values of the unknown parameters. 
It should be mentioned that, for special cases where the orientations of 
the various camera axes are such that the approximation values for the ro- 
tational parsmeters ean be assumed in all iteration cycles to be either 0, 
5 or multiples there-of, the differential quotlents as given in (41) reduce 
to well known simple expressions. However, this fact 1s hardly worth con- 
sidering for a general solution because the savings in computing time are 
immaterial if high speed electronic computers are used. 
Small and medium sized electronic computers will handle with this method, 
photogrammetric measuring systems of two and three camera stations with an 
unlimited number of recorded points. Large computers are adequate to solve 
the corresponding problem for five and six camera stations. In other words, 
the suggested method seems feasible to provide & practical analytical solution 
for photogrammetric measuring problems encountered in terrestrial, laboratory 
cadastral and ballistic applications. The problems of strip and block tri- 
angulation which need to be studied further are considered in & later chapter. 
C. On the Use of Celestial Control Points: 
The use of celestial targets (mostly fixed stars) is a traditional means 
in geodesy and photogrammetry for establishing absolute orientation of certain 
bundles of rays with respect to earth fixed coordiante systems. Terrestrial 
Photogrammetry has used this method, especially for non-topographical appli- 
cations. This technique has lately become of interest again in connection 

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