Identical models under very well controlled con-
ditions were measured by several persons, and
from certain operators we obtained the results
which would indicate quite evident distortion; in
other cases there was no sign of any distortion.
So it was deduced that it was human error due
to the physiological elements and also to the
interpretation, to the concept of the measured
That, of course, is only a beginning of a large
investigation which should be conducted. On
Tuesday morning we had a session of Com-
mission I which was an extremely interesting
and important one.
The next conclusion was, as I have mention-
ed already, that instrumental and photographic
stability seems to be satisfactory and may justify
using in the future empirically determined cor-
rections in order to reach what I call the op-
timum correction in photographic determina-
The next conclusion was that the vertical
accuracy is higher than often quoted values. We
must revise slowly the figures concerned with
accuracy, because in view of this experimental
work which is very convincing — because, after
all, we got 38 independent results from different
countries by different operators with different
equipment — the results are really very excellent
and better than the figures which are generally
Another very important point — and I am
very grateful to Professor Finsterwalder for
having pointed this out — is the question of
quality of graphical presentation. Of course, it
is a question of decision, how far we like to go
in graphical presentation of our mapping results.
We may decide that it is not necessary and too
expensive to draw beautiful maps. However, the
maps should be complete, and should be plotted
in such a way that there should be no doubt
about the details which are presented. In this
regard, of course, the quality varies very, very
widely, and it is one of the difficulties in an-
alysing the results because there is no method of
expressing quality of maps in any figures. There-
fore, all the results which are obtained from
numerical methods which concern quality and
time, not quality but time, of mapping and so
on, must be considered also from the point of
view that quality has not been included in the
final evaluation.
As a last conclusion, it is a statistical result
which is quite obvious, that anaglyphic types
of plotters seem to be less precise than parallax
types of plotting equipment. We had a large
group of second order instruments of non-
anaglyphic type, and we had about ten ana-
glyphic type plotters used. The results seemed
to corroborate the results of the first interna-
tional experiments which showed that ana-
glyphic type plotters are slightly slower in
operation and less precise.
I understand that this is a delicate situation.
Such a statement and such a finding have
nothing to do with any decision as to what type
of equipment should be used in operation. As
long as we know what the performance of
certain equipment is, users have to decide what
is the most economical for them. There are, of
course, other considerations which must also be
taken into account, but I think it is our task
to state the figures as they are.
There, more or less, are the conclusions, and
perhaps we can now call on somebody to con-
tribute to the discussion.
Prof FINSTERWALDER: Ich möchte noch auf
einige Punkte hinweisen. Es kommt nicht allein
auf die Güte, auf die Qualität der Auswertung
an, sondern auch auf die Vollständigkeit, und
die Richtigkeit der Formen in den Schichtlinien.
Es ist schade, dass Herr Tewinkel nicht da
ist, der ja die Untersuchungen durchgeführt hat.
Ich möchte da auch auf etwas hinweisen, was
mir wichtig erscheint, dass man den Schicht-
linienabstand nicht zu eng nehmen darf, weil
nämlich bei diesem engen Zusammendrängen
der Schichtlinien dann keine Möglichkeit mehr
besteht, die Formen der Schichtlinien, diese
differenzierten Formen richtig zu zeichnen. Und
dann wollte ich noch auf etwas hinweisen, was
Herr Blachut leider nicht erwähnt hat. Er hat
auch eine sehr wertvolle Untersuchung über die
Vollständigkeit der erreichten Ergebnisse erzielt,
und da möchte ich nur noch eine kleine Korrek-
tur oder Ergänzung geben zu der Art und Weise,
wie das untersucht worden ist. Da darf ich eine
Zeichnung machen. Wenn wir als Abszisse die
Zeit und als Ordinate den Vollständigkeitgrad
in Prozent auftragen, dann hat Herr Blachut
angenommen, dass der Fortschritt linear mit
der Zeit geht bis zur Vollständigkeit von hun-
dert Prozent verläuft. Diese Vollständigkeit sei
in einer bestimmten Zeit erreicht worden. Da
muss man nun etwas sagen. Eine Vollständig-
keit von 100 Prozent kann man bei keiner Aus-
wertung erreichen. Es wird da irgendwie auf-
hören, und wir kommen nur bis hierher. Und