Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

For computational convenience (see Chapter VII), it is assumed that a local 
Cartesian system denoted by XYZ is oriented in such a way, that its XY plane 
is tangent to the reference ellipsoid at the point of local origin, and its 
+X axis is pointing to the south. 
The corresponding metric conditional equations are for: 
(1) An absolute control point given by @, A, H: X = F, (dx g) 
Y -F, (XH) (46) 
Z = Fs (g M) 
The system (46) gives the results of a coordinate transformation presented in 
[7]. No special metric conditional equations become necessary. 
(2) A partial control point, given by @ and A: 
(1) Tg * IL + IDA ^j r 
(2) Lx «Iff + LE -A (47) 
and correspondingly, if the approximation values 2049 29 satisfy the above 
conditional equations; 
(1) IA + IT AY + LIT AZ = 0 
(2) LAX + ILAY + IILAZ = 0 (48) 
where, in formulas (47) and (48): 
Ig = +1 
Hj = 0 
III; = cos [d] ten d - sin [d] cos »* 1 at. 
| $ sin [d] ten 9 * cos [9] cos N” M ate cM 
Awd IZ 
ß Ü 
I i tan A* sin [6] 
IT »-1 | 
^ " 
III X z tan A* cos [2] ( 9) 
A it [x] tan A" 

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