Full text: Commissions III and IV (Part 5)

Fig.9 The horizon pictures on uncut 
film are measured stereoscopi- 
cally in the Wild MSTK 
| with the 
Fig. 10 The super wide angle 
photographs are reduced to 
half size in the Wild U4A 
Diapositive Printer, during 
which process residunal lens 
distortation, earth curvature 
and refraction are eliminated, 
and density contrasts are 
balanced out electronically. 
and diapositive printers with good optics, the picture contents of the original negative suffer no ap- 
preciable loss in quality during the reduction process. It was therefore possible to decide in favour 
of the construction of a plotter employing diapositives at half size (4},” x 477") and a plotting focal 
distance of 44 mm. The diapositives can be prepared in the U3A or U3B Printer, or if the highest pic- 
ture quality is required, in the U4A or U4B with electronic dodging, and by using the appropriate cor- 
rection plate, they will be free of residual distortion and the effects of earth curvature and refraction 
(Fig. 10). The U3A and U3B printers as well as U4A and U4B have, as universal printers, a considerably 
greater range than is necessary for the abovementioned tasks. It is therefore intended to develop a 
special simple printer, the U9, in which only the reduction ratio of 2:1 is possible, with simultaneous 
compensation of residual distortion, curvature and refraction. 

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