Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

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Fig. 6. Radial Distortion. Astrotar BC-4. No. 265. 
die Diskussion einzuleiten. Haben Sie noch 
Ausserungen für die Diskussion für Dr 
Mr G. H. ROSENFIELD gave an introduction 
to his paper: Present and Future Capability of 
Optical Systems with Emphasis on the Ballistic 
Camera Operation. 
Mr B. HALLERT: I would like to ask you 
about your accuracy information. You said 
that you achieved an accuracy of 3 microns or 
tenths of a second, or something like that. 
What is it more closely determined? Is it 
standard error or of what type of error are you 
Mr G. H. ROSENFIELD: The 3 microns 
measurement is the random error. The mean 
error of the adjustment runs about 3 to 3!/, to 4 
microns. Very seldom do we get a 6 micron 
standard error from the adjustment; if we do we 
usually think there is something wrong and 
either eliminate the plate from the adjustment or 
try it over again. 
Mr B. HALLERT: That is repeating for ran- 
dom conditions. 
Mr G. H. ROSENFIELD: For random condi- 
tions it is repeatability on the point. 
Mr B. HALLERT: That is the setting error; if 
you repeat the setting ten times and compute 
the average, any deviation from the average 
gives the mean error and then you get what you 
are talking about. 
Mr G. H. ROSENFIELD: But the mean error 
of the adjustment is running in the same order 

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