Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

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rays is the condition on which you base the 
determination of the standard errors; is that 
correct? Is it the condition of the relative 
orientation upon which you found this deter- 
mination of the condition? I think that the rays 
should intersect at one and the same point in 
Mr G.H. ROSENFIELD: It is based upon the 
orientation being known, being error free. 
Generally speaking, orientations have errors in 
them, but we will not use orientation which has 
a mean error of the adjustment for orientation 
that is greater than the random measuring er- 
ror. So we do have a good orientation to start 
with for the ballistic cameras. Having good 
orientations we compute the position point 
using six cameras for every one position point. 
In this adjustment we again obtain a mean 
error of approximately 3 microns of the same 
order of magnitude as the random measuring 
error again, so we feel there are no biases in 
the adjustment. We use the same technique 
with the CZ R type cameras and here we have 
quite a large mis-orientation in each camera. If 
we have a target board orientation the target 
boards are restricted to the lower portion of 
the plate and we have just 4 or 6 target boards. 
With a random measuring error of 10 microns 
we may have a mean error of orientation of up 
to 17, 25 or 30 microns, so we know we have 
error in the orientation. Then we triangulate 
using the same mathematics as used with the 
ballistic cameras. We come up with mean er- 
rors of the adjustment of sometimes 100 or 
180 microns, anywhere from 12 through 40 
times the random measuring errors. In these 
cases we know we have bias in the results but 
we do not get this in the ballistic camera 
system. In the ballistic cameras the mean er- 
rors are approximately the same as the random 
Mr B. HALLERT: May I ask you a little 
question about terminology? When you say 
mean error do you mean the mean square error 
or average? 
Mr G. H. ROSENFIELD: The mean square 
error; the standard error is the weighted sum 
of the squares of the residuals divided by the 
degrees of freedom. 
Mr B. HALLERT: From a normal equation 
Mr G. H. RoseNFIELD: Yes, I have about 
30 or so papers which I will place on the table, 
and these go into a little more detail than I 
have been able to do. 
Herr Prof BURKHARDT: Ich hätte ja gern 
noch einmal gehört, wie heute die Abgrenzung 
ist zwischen der Aufnahme von der Erde aus 
und der Flugbahnbestimmung von mitgenom- 
menen Kammern aus. Aber ich glaube, da ist 
die Zeit wohl zu knapp geworden. Vielleicht 
machen wir eine Pause von fünf Minuten. 

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