Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

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other hand, 
the paper or the proposal or the comments deal 
particularly with the qualitative aspects of get- 
ting information from aerial photographs — the 
determination, the identification, the signifi- 
cance and the development of information along 
these lines — we have felt that these were prop- 
erly a function of Commission VII. 
This division is much less definite and much 
less precise, but I feel at the moment that it is 
certainly a workable one for Commission VII, 
and I would like to leave the Commission VII 
position at that point with the thought that the 
specific proposals might be further discussed 
perhaps at a later time, maybe subsequently by 
mail, and some of the resolutions made. 
Herr Professor BURKHARDT: Ich danke Herrn 
Kollegen Coleman und frage, ob noch einer der 
Kollegen hier zu diesem Problem Stellung neh- 
men móchte. — Da das nicht der Fall ist, darf 
ich wohl annehmen, dass das zum grossen Teil 
Zustimmung ist, und ich werde mich mit Herrn 
Kollegen Hàrry und Herrn Kollegen Coleman 
zusammensetzen, um eine entsprechende Reso- 
lution vorzuschlagen. Damit darf ich die Sitzung 
schliessen und danke allen Beteiligten. 

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