Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

existing state of the art. Mainly required is a re-evaluation 
of current operating conditions and the expenditure of a minimum 
in time, effort, and funds. It becomes the responsibility of 
the data user to establish realistic accuracy requirements 
based upon the needs of his particular systems, rather than 
upon the ability of the range to supply the reduced data. Then 
the justification exists for expending that which is necessary 
to increase the accuracy of the systems. 
At this point, let us express some thoughts on the con- 
cept of Experimental Design in missile testing. A missile 
test launch is a complex experiment of an important and ex- 
pensive nature. As such, it is imperative that as much 
information as possible be derived from each test operation. 
In order to obtain the desired trajectory data to as high e 
degree of accuracy as possible, it is necessary that consid- 
eration be given to the rigorous and complete design of the 
entire test experiment. This includes the thoughtful consid- 
erations of experts in the allied fields of Flanning, Engineer- 
int, Instrumentation, Data Processing and Data Reduction. It 
is only by effecting coordination through the medium of 
meetings and conferences, sufficiently in advance of the missile 
operation, utilizing the experience and abilities of the 
Specialists in the above mentioned fleids, that the range 
user can be assured of obtaining his required dats to the 
desired degree of accuracy. 

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