Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

J. D, Moreland, B, Sc.» Ph. D, à I.LC. 
Road Research Laboratory, 
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 
Trials have been made of a stereometric camera and its 
associated autograph in recording and analysing road 
accidents, Some examples are given of plans compiled to 
illustrate accident sites. These Plans indicate features 
such as road edges, markings, furniture, trees, walls, 
fences, road signs and advertisement hoardings, Road 
camber is measured when necessary, Vehicle positions 
are plotted when possible and external car damage is 
A comparison is made between three different 
surveys of one site made (i) using stereometric equipment 
(ii) by a police "plan drawer" and (iii) by the county 
engineer using conventional methods, Reference is made 
to photogrammetric procedure accepted in English law, 
The limitations of the equipment tested are briefly 
outlined and a method of rapid vertical photography that is 
being developed for routine use is mentioned. 
On a fait des essais avec un appareil photographique, 
stéréometrique et l'autographe y associf pour enregistrer 
et analyser les accidents routiers, On donne quelques 
exemples de plans dressés pour illustrer le lieu de 
l'accident. Ces plans font voir les caractéristiques telles 
que les bordures de route, les marques sur la chaussée, 
les "accessoires" (tels que les montants des reverbéres, 
les arrêts d'autobus, les boîtes à sable, etc. ), les arbres, 
les murs, les barrières, les signes et les panneaux-réclame, 

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