Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

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The PRESIDENT: This question certainly will 
not be settled in this session, but it has given us 
much food for thought. 
There are three members of the panel who 
have not spoken, before we go further I would 
like to see if they have any comments to make 
either on the paper or on some of the questions 
that have been raised. 
Lt-Col. N. E. GREEN: I do not believe I have 
anything particular to add. I have a very great 
interest in this problem of the human factor in 
photo interpretation. There is an increasing 
amount of interest in this and an increasing 
amount of work in psychological aspects. After 
all, photographic interpretation is a human 
factor problem in itself. I would like to be able 
to give some references — perhaps I may be able 
to do before the week is out — as to certain 
studies on the psychological aspects that are 
being undertaken now, I know that the Air 
Force is interested in this and that there is some 
work going on in testing for photo interpreters. 
I hope that I will be able to get some more 
specific references which I might be able to 
make available. 
Mr D. A. Boon: If I may answer the question 
posed by Mr Olson, I think the best answer 
would be, that special in forest inventory the 
best results can only be obtained in a sound 
combination between photo interpretation and 
statistical work. Perhaps in the coming dis- 
cussion within the vegetation session, this par- 
ticular subject will obtain more profound con- 
Capt R. V. A. THORÉN: I agree with the other 
speakers and their viewpoints. A photo inter- 
preter ought to have a common knowledge of 
as many different subjects as possible related to 
his special commission. He has to operate and 
Archives 6 
use all kinds of pictures: verticals, obliques and 
ground photos as well. His elementary training 
will give him a first idea of identification cf the 
subject he is finding in the pictures, and by 
measuring the details he has analysed he will get 
a clear view of what the picture is able to present 
to him. In that way PI for an avid interpreter 
is always measuring work; he goes on measuring 
the details mostly in single photos. Perhaps the 
most difficult problem in photogrammetry is 
working with single photos. If he is trained 
enough, he will be able to measure millimetres 
of dimensions. In that way you will be able to 
follow the development of equipment in the 
different branches. It may be aboard ships or on 
shore. He will be able to follow the development 
of the last electronic equipment of topical in- 
terest for his branch, wherever he is working. 
He will be able to state the frequency band used 
and I suppose that will be of topical interest and 
of special value for the service to which he be- 
longs. That is advanced work for the photo 
interpreters. Of course, he must be trained for 
that; it will go on day and night perhaps year 
after year. If I had been asked ten years ago to 
state the frequency band used in a radar set, I 
would have laughed and said that it was im- 
possible, but it is now possible and nothing may 
be hidden in that way if you are sufficiently 
The PRESIDENT: Our time is fully gone. I 
would again remind you that each of the 
gentlemen here on the platform will have a sub- 
sequent session in his own working group and 
his own speciality. I cordially invite you to go to 
these subsequent sessions. 
I think the discussion here has been a very 
good beginning for Commission VII pro- 
gramme. The Meeting is now adjourned. 

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