Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

In the Chair: Mr W. FISCHER 
Introduction by the President 
The second session of Commission VII is 
now called to order. The session this afternoon 
will cover the reports and work of Working 
Groups I and H under Commission VII. Work- 
ing Group 1, you will remember, deals with 
photography and photo coverage; Working 
Group II with techniques and instruments. 
There is, of course, a relation between these 
and Commissions I and II of the Society, how- 
ever, bearing in mind that in the works of these 
Working Groups we have been particularly con- 
cerned with the needs of the photographic inter- 
Dr Stone who has been concerned with 
Working Group I was unfortunately delayed in 
Europe and is unable to be with us today. I will 
simply refer to his report which you have all 
received. It is a map and table of world-wide 
photo coverage. I might ask for the comments, 
particularly of photographic interpreters who 
have had a chance to read it. It has been pre- 
pared by Dr Stone in his correspondence be- 
cause it was felt that there was a need for the 
photo interpreter to know what coverage existed, 
where and how to get hold of it. It could be 
used for teaching in universities, for background 
historical material or for actual photograph 
interpretation work. The listings of photogram- 
metric coverage currently flown in these areas 
was not entirely adequate because the inter- 
preter needed more material and was interested 
in more material than this. I am sure Dr Stone 
would be interested in your comments on this, 
recognising it is incomplete and much detail is 
lacking, but the matter may be raised should 
this kind of work be continued in Commission 
VII and in more detail. 
With these few remarks we will proceed to 
the rest of the papers for this afternoon. I would 
like to ask the Chairman of Working Group II, 
Mr William Fischer, Chief of the Photogeolog- 
ical Section of US Geological Survey, a gentle- 
man who has been involved in photographic 
interpretation in the Navy geological circles and 
has been with the geological service for some 
twenty years, and a man of much experience in 
this field, to act as Chairman not only for his 
own Working Group section but also for the 
paper that is to be presented under Working 
Group I which normally would have been chair- 
ed by Dr Stone. 
At this time, I will turn the Chair for the 
afternoon over to Mr Fischer. 
Introduction by the Chairman, Mr Fischer 
There will be three additional papers present- 
ed this afternoon. One additional paper will be 
read in summary and two others will be read 
by title only. Some discussion will follow each 
presentation. A continuation discussion will be 
held in room 381 between 15.40 and 16.30 
Our first speaker this afternoon will be Mr 
Samuel Bousky. Mr Bousky holds degrees in 
physics and mathematics from the University of 
Michigan. He has worked with aerial photo- 
graphs for the past twelve years. He has served 
as a consultant to the United States Navy and 
has served on Defence Department Committees 
dealing with aerial photography. He is now the 
Chief Scientist with Chicago Aerial Surveys, a 
research company but also one of the largest 
manufacturers of aerial photographic equip- 
ment. Mr Bousky's talk is part of Working 
Group I. Actually, it could fit in Working 
Group II as well — hence it has been scheduled 
between the two groups. The title is *Do Present 
Standards Assure Photographic Interpretabili- 
Mr Bousky then read his circulated, pre- 
printed paper in which no material alterations 
were made. 

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