Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

HE Institute of Industrial Science was established on May 31, 1949 on the cam- 
pus of the then Second Faculty of Engineering, located in Chiba City, some 
thirty miles southeast of the main campus of“the University. 
The main objective of the Institute is to carry out scientific research on 
technical problems of engineering and industry as well as:to develop certain aspects 
of the results achieved through research. Contract research is also an active 
The Institute comprises at present the five research departments listed below. 
Each of these departments is divided into several research divisions, each under the 
administrative charge of the various professors and or assistant professors. Under 
certain circumstances, however, specific research groups organized among research 
scholars belonging to the various divisions of the Institute or in some instances 
to other institutions of the University may be organized for the purpose of solving 
specific problems. By arrangement, researchers of outside organizations may also 
be invited to take part in such cooperative research projects. 
The results of various studies and research projects are published in ithe 
Report of the Industrial Science. The Institute also publishes a monthly journal 
entitled “ SEISAN-KENKYU ” (literally, Industrial Production Research) to inform 
the concerned industries and interested persons about the objectives and activities 
of the Institute, to providel| assistance to such industries and to promote a closer 
relationship and cooperation between the industries and the Institute. 
Department of Technical Physics——Applied mathematics; Applied optics; 
Acoustic engineering; Physics of solids; Fluid Physics; Applied electronics; Radiation 
engineering; Strength of materials. 
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture 
matics and dynamics of machineries; Mechanism; Heat transfer; Heat engines; 
Hydraulic machineries; Chemical machineries; Machinings and machine tools; 
Casting, forging and drawing; Precision technology; Welding engineering; Plate 
structures and ship construction; Dynamics of naval architecture. 
Department of Electrical Engineering——Theory of electric circuits; 
Electrical machines and apparatus; Electric-power engineering; Electric-control 
engineering; Electron-tube engineerng; Communication apparatus; Ultrashort- 
wave engineering. 
Department of Industrial Chemistry and Metallurgy ——Industrial chemical 
analysis (inorganic); Industrial chemical analysis (organic); Inorganic chemistry; 
Electro and photochemistry; Synthectic dyestuff; Coaltar derivatives; Rubber, 
plastics and others; Fuels, oils, fats, proteins and others; Carbohydrates, cellulose, 
Fermentation and others; Chemical engineering; Ferrous metallurgy; Nonferrous 
metallurgy ; Metallurgical technology; Alloys. 
Department of Construction Engineering——Soil engineering; Civil engi- 
neering structures; Traffic engineering; Hydraulic engineering; Surveying; Struc- 
tural design of architecture; Architectural hygiene; Architectural interior design; 
Architectural production; Architectural planning; History of engineering and 

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