Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

Frontispiece-] Comparison between an infrared aerial photo and a panchromatic photo 
The two photos shown here are intended to compare a panchromatic aerial photo which had hereto- 
fore been commonly used with an infrared aerial photo taken by the aerial camera for the exclusive 
use of infrared photo (WILD RC-8 Fully Automatic Aerial camera with Infragon lens) Both of 
these photos were taken almost simultaneously when there was a considerable haze. 
We can clearly interpret from these two photos how differently all the factors necessary for the 
interpretation of aerial photos are reproduced. These factors include the variety of plants, difference 
in the nature of the soil on the surface of the terrace, in the color tone of individual cultivated 
land, man-made structures such as houses, roads, railways, bridges and power-generating plants, and 
river bed and waterways. 
High terraces are seen on both banks and the rejuvenated river dug down a new narrow gorge in 
the center of the formed valley. Stones and rocks crop out on both banks and it is noticed that there 
apparently occurred an upheaval of the ground. 

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