Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

9 eds = mT m a ER EE hs bbc = 
The question to be answered is: What are the skills, abilities, and 
techniques necessary to extract information from conventional and the 
newer types of imagery? The second problem area deals with photoin- 
terpreter (PI) performance within the special context of Army operations. 
Specifically, what human resources does the Army need in order to cope 
with the ever-increasing variety in types of images and at the same time 
maintain acceptable standards of speed, accuracy, and completeness? 
Other approaches have concentrated on improving the nature of stimuli 
presented to the photointerpreter, that is, on determining how the quality 
of the photograph can be improved so that the photointerpreter may be 
able to extract more information. The approach described here accepts 
the fact that there will sometimes be poor quality imagery which requires 
interpretation, and seeks to extract better information and more infor- 
mation through selecting potentially better photointerpreters and through | 
improving the procedures and techniques they employ, their interactions 
with other members in the group, and the way they use equipment. 
| In order to answer these two broad questions, a research program 
| has been formulated and divided into five areas, or research subtasks: 
Tdentification of Basic Factors in Image Interpretation 
| Development of Selection Techniques for Image Interpreter 
Utilization Measures Under Conditions of Emergency Demands 
Identification of Basic Factors in "Real Time" Interpretation 
Effective Group Approaches to Accomplish Major Image Interpre- 
ter Missions 
1 The first subtask will be discussed in considerable detail since 
| it is the subtask on which the major effort is being placed, and since 
the results of studies in this area will provide guidelines for the re- 
maining research areas. The kinds of variables of concern in the first 
subtask are presented below in caption form. Here concern is with the , 
input, with the system in operation, and finally, with the output of the 

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