Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

In the fourth Project, requirements and objectives are being ex- 
amined to determine if it is possible to codify and standardize the in- 
formation extraction procedure, particularly as it relates to flash or 
immediate reporting. If this can be done, the time necessary to make 
interpretations can probably be cut down. Reporting of unnecessary de- 
tail can be reduced, thus clarifying the nature of the information that 
is transmitted. Here too, it is important to take a very careful look 
at forms and procedures used to insure that they are congruent with re- 
quirements and objectives. 
In the fifth project, interest is in developing functions which re- 
late speed to accuracy and completeness, and similarly, accuracy to speed 
and completeness, and the like. Results should lend support or give di- 
rection to personnel in instructing and supervising photointerpreters at 
work. This study will also suggest ideas as to workload parameters, for 
example: What effect does emphasis on speed of output have on volume 
and accuracy of the product? 
The second broad area deals with selection technique studies. Here 
the approach is a very straightforward one, designed to produce immediate 
results in a very important area. The objective in the first study of 
this area is to identify personnel with adequate photointerpreter poten- 
tial prior to training and assignment. To this end an experimental 
battery of tests is being constructed based upon job requirements as 
they exist today and as they are likely to exist in the near future. 
The experimental battery will include three types of test: (1) the 
traditional cognitive or aptitude type, such as tests of spatial, per- 
ceptual, mechanical, verbal, and reasoning areas; (2) tests of interest 
and motivation; and (3) tests relating to personality and background 
characteristics. These experimental tests will be tried out in the school 
situation and on the job to identify those which do the best job of pre- 
dicting school and job proficiency. The best of these tests will then 
be selected and made operational. The contribution to the system is the 
identification of a more efficient selection technique, one which should 
result in & higher quality of information. 
Ihe interpreter schools need a Screen to prevent persons who lack 
the interest, motivation, and requisite ability from entering training. 
Since there is a need for the highest quality of personnel input into this 
area, an interim selection battery based upon pilot studies and addi- 
tional existing information will be made operational in the near future. 
The interim battery will be replaced by a battery consisting of the best 
of the experimental tests as soon as information on the relative effec- 
tiveness of the experimental tests is available. 
Archives 6 

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