Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

The third subtask deals with the mobilization and utilization of 
PI talent under conditions of emergency demands, particularly in & com- 
bat setting. The photointerpreter specialist is one individual whose 
services are needed for as long as his energies can hold up. Two criti- 
cal problems arise in this research area. The first is to determine 
the point beyond which the photointerpreter does not produce useful in- 
formation under stress conditions. The second problem concerns methods 
of delaying fatigue and stress factors so that the most effective use 
is made of the PI's capabilities for the longest period of time. Sev- 
eral projects have been established to deal with these problems. The 
first project asks what kinds of speed demands can be imposed upon an 
operational PI. For example, a PI may be told: "Find a site from 
among this collection of imagery and do this within a half hour." What 
effect does this kind of instruction have upon the PI's output? Does 
he alter his procedures, or the types of images he employs? Is the 
accuracy of his report affected? In the second project, emphasis is on 
determining the effect of long, uninterrupted work efforts on output, 
on procedures, and on effectiveness in handling the various types of 
images. The third project is concerned with the interesting problem of 
varying the psychological set with which the PI approaches his task. 
The photointerpreter is trained to be extremely prudent. He is taught 
not to provide information unless he can back it up. With the kinds 
of degraded images he is likely to face in the near future, he will 
tend to be reluctant to make many identifications because of this psy- 
chological set. The objective of the study is to determine the accu- 
racy and utility of information obtained under conditions of special 
demand or image degradation which do not permit the usual caution. 
‘Real time! interpretation is needed in aerial TV sensing and re- 
ception and simultaneous electronic transmissions of the TV picture to 
a video screen which is being monitored by a photointerpreter in a field 
setting. It is apparent that all of the problems that pertain to static 
images or hard copy images pertain to the fleeting image itself. We are 
interested, then, in the identification of essential skills and abilities, 
personnel selection procedures, work techniques and mechanical aids, and \ 
reference aids pertinent to performance in ‘real time' interpretation. 
Because we are dealing with a new reconnaissance medium, the utility of 
TV viewing and the information limits associated with the process must 
be assessed. Information secured from studies on these problems will 
provide needed parameters describing the adequacy of the information ex- 
tracted by 'real time’ interpretation and the psychological limits within 
which this procedure can be carried out effectively. 
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