Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

| Les caractéristiques photographiques des produits tropicaux sur pied ont été décrits tempe 
| l | ainsi que quelques moyens pour les reconnaitre. Finalement on signale l’emploi de photos tropic 
Ë | aériennes afin d’apprendre à mieux connaître les méthodes d’agriculture indigène et afin comp: 
| | de découvrir, éventuellement, l'emploi défectueux du sol. ecolo£ 
| | Lors du Congres mondial de photogrammetrie en 1960, cet article sera illustre par very £ 
| | des diapositives faites d’apres des photos aériennes. are O 
| | aerial 
| | Dieser Artikel gibt nicht nur eine Übersicht der Bedingungen, die im allgemeinen associ 
| die Produktion von Luftbildern in tropischen Ländern beeinträchtigen, sondern es wird the ac 
| auch der Einfluf von hoher Sonnenposition und das Vorkommen von Dunst besprochen; local: 
| ferner werden die Erfahrungen mit Infrarotphotographie und geeignete Aufnahmemalf3- | ; 
| stäbe zum Studium tropischer Vegetation und einheimischen Ackerbaus behandelt. | don: 
i Die typischen Eigenschaften, durch die sich eine tropische Vegetation von der an- made 
| | derer Gebiete unterscheidet, sind vom Gesichtspunkt der Photointerpretation aus be- inforn 
| | schrieben, wobei besonderer Nachdruck auf das Überwiegen von Mischwald, der sich aus tropic 
| | vielerlei Arten zusammensetzt, gelegt wird. Die Aufmerksamkeit wird auf einige inte- 
| | ressante Vegetationserscheinungen in den Tropen gelenkt, die erst durch Luftphotogra- CH 
| | | phien entdeckt wurden. from 
| Die photographischen Eigenschaften des einheimischen Ackerbaus, sowie einige der comm 
Hilfsmittel, die man zu ihrer Erkennung braucht, werden beschrieben. 
: Zum Schluß wird die Verwendung von Luftbildern zum besseren Verständnis der Mr 
| einheimischen Ackerbaumethoden und zur Ermittlung von Bodenmißbrauch erwähnt. . 
| Der Artikel wird zum Londoner Kongreß an Hand von Diapositiven aus Luftphoto- It has 
| graphien illustriert werden. tions 
| major 
| of the 
Discussion or est: 
Mr D. A. Boon: It is perhaps not necessary put forward the following question: Is it possible CH 
again to express our gratitude for the very in- to use the special topics Mr Miller has put for- to give 
teresting talk Mr Miller has given and his very ward in his paper to study the different forms 
interesting stereo slide projection. That is an of plant communities? And in connection with Mr 
indication in two directions: first, how impor- the first one I would like to put forward my of Afi 
tant in general are photographs, particular in second question: Would such a study give us the drawn 
| stereovision, for the detection of vegetation possibility to find relations between vegetation fished 
forms; and secondly, perhaps it can be an indi- and soil conditions? given : 
cation of how varied vegetation forms in the a rum 
tropics are. Mr MiLLER: I think if one has a reasonable Bed w 
| I should like to make the remark that we are understanding of ground conditions one can structu 
| — I consider — still only at the beginning of our carry out Dr Schneider’s plan. As our work at üs a ni 
study of vegetation forms. There are so many Overseas Surveys is often concerned with the to ma 
| problems still to be solved, and I am sure that study of aerial photographs of tropical countries other : 
the future also will give us much more possibili- without much groundwork, we prefer to use the 
ty of discoveries in this direction. non-committal term “congregations of vegeta- Cu 
| Again Mr Miller, many thanks for your very tion", instead of plant communities. I think would 
| interesting speech. that a great deal of ecological information can ful wit 
| I would like to open now the opportunity for be found on an aerial photograph, provided you not qu 
| the discussion of Mr Miller’s paper. know something about local conditions. Without conditi 
| knowing much about the ground you may get Ameri 
| Dr S. SCHNEIDER: My name is Dr Schneider to a certain stage, but ground work is required differe 
| from the Geographic Institute in Bonn. Accord- to complete the ecological picture. 
ing to my opinion there are two ways of inter- Mr 
| pretation, the first to observe the kind of the Prof RuELLAN: I would like to make some recentl 
| tree detection and the second to focus the atten- additional remarks to Mr Miller's answer. Às à Brasil 
| tion upon a group of trees and to study the matter of fact in the tropics we are very interest- Was a 
typical society of plants. I would like to draw ed in plant ecology, but I wonder what the first Africa. 
attention on this second question, the study of speaker expects from his question. compa 
the plant society and therefore I would like to You cannot compare plant ecology in the 

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