Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

Every four years the International Society of Photogrammetry con- 
venes a congress at which world progress in the use of photographic 
images for information analyses, mapping and other purposes is re- 
viewed and evaluated, 
Commission VII of the Society is concerned specifically with the 
interpretation of photographs. In the period 1956 - 1960, for the first 
time,the problems involved in the interpretation of ice phenomena have 
been treated separately through the formation of Working Group No. 6 
of Commission VII. 
This compilation is the report of this working group to the Society. 
Preparation and separate dissemination has been facilitated with the 
assistance of the Geography Branch, Office of Naval Research, with 
consideration to the currently increasing scientific interest in and 
importance of ice interpretation from photographs. 

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