Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

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Figure l - The ice on the open sea. The fast ice is held in position by islands in the background 
of the picture. On this side there is ice of different ages. The dark ice seems to be quite thin 
closest to the fast ice edge. Further out it is heavier and light. Snow-covered floes appear. 
Winds and currents have brought this ice forth mechanical changes as breaking, rafting and 
hummocking. (Utd Lighthouse on the Northern Baltic. 1942, 8th March, 1120 hours, height 
800 m.) 
Figure 2 - The piling up of thin ice is formed in an area of extensive open water. The piling- 
up has occurred in the form of successive belts of ice. Within each band the pieces have 
"dovetailed" into another, which is typical. (Northern Baltic south of Utó. 1942, 29th March, 
1000 hours, Height 30 m.) 

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