Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

Platform Motion Compensation in SAR Proeessing............. 39H 
E. A. Herland 
A Compression Filter for Real-Time Synthetic Aperture 
Radar (SAR) DL u 00 0 00/0750 0 007001010700 0 2979/29 0:0 Pi ee 09 94/0 407070 401 
W. Dillen, G. Kluge 
Synthetic Aperture Radar Detection of Surface Ship Wakes... 411 
J. Lyden, D. Lyzenga, R. Shuchman 
Simulation of SAR Ocean Wave Imagery from Spaceborne 
PlatfOFBMS Qiieeossodv«eeecoQstosodtececececescqeaseseceoececeectceeoroieieioie erc ero 427 
D. Lyzenga 
An Architecture for Fast SAR ProcesSinßg........0.. 435 
T. Wolff 
Rate Distortion Functions of SAR ImagerYy.......0....00.00.000000a 446 
R. Okkes 
Speckle Statistics and SAR Processor Evaluation............ 454 
P. Martin 
Working Group II/6 
Integrated Photogrammetric Systems 
Integrated Photogrammetric Systems (Tutorial).............. 461 
B. Makarovic 
Concepts and Models in Photogrammetric Systems............. 470 
A. Schenk 
Terrain Data Base Generation for Autonomous Land 
Vehicle Navigation. 000.000 e eietiscux 99: olo ^t 00 HE ee 477 
D. Edwards, M. Schoppmann, G. Desmond 
Photogrammetric Data Collection as a Module of a 
Land Information System. 0000000800 0000000000 00000 000000800000 80090 485 
U, Stampa-Wessel 
Integration of Orthophototechnique into a Land 
Information Systel 00040000402 0104.04 00700030 ee ler d eon e oin 495 
U. Stampa-Wessel, H. Engel 
Concept for an Integrated Photogrammetric System........... 504 
S. E. Lonnum 
An Integrated Digital Mapping System for Data Capture 
and Editing. od. ssi. roit o I it nr rer 511 
M. Allam, C. Wong 
The Impact of Optical Storage Technology on Remote 
Sensing and Geographic Information Systems.............. ^. 521 
W. Strome 

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