Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

Relationship of instruments to mission objectives 
Altimeter ATSR Active Microwave instrumentation 
Imaging Wave Wind 
Mode Mode Mode 
Weather forecast X X 
Offshore activity X X 
Ship routing X X 
Fisheries (fish location) X X 
Sea & iceberg monitoring (X) (X) X 
Oil & pollution detection X X 
Coastal process X X 
Land applications (X) X 
Ocean circulation X(1) X (X) X 
Ocean tides X(2) 
Wind fields (3) X (X) 
Wave fields (3) X (X) 
Polar oceans X X X X X 
Land ice X (X) 
Sea surface temperature X 
Marine biology (X) 
X: Indicates principal contribution to the objectives. 
(X): Indicates limited applicability. 
(1): For large-scale circulation accurate orbit determination over short arcs is required. 
(2): For solar tides, measurements from other satellites in complementary orbits are 
(3): The altimeter and Active Microwave Instrumentation are mutually supportive in deriving 
the wind and wave fields. 

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