Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

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mendations concerning the modifications to be introduced (e.g. 
inclusion of provision for dual look and adaptivity) in the 
selected simulator. 
The system design is essentially based on the following 
concepts: (i) identification of remote sensing missions requi- 
ring real-time, multimode operation and adaptive features ta- 
king also into account the interests of potential users; (ii) 
implications on configurations as well as parameters of the 
system; (iii) generation of a number of system options, which 
involves a statement of possible alternatives to reach the 
goal stated in (i); (iv) assessment of complexity, technical 
risk, time to implement etc. of the system options and pruning 
of the least favourable ones; (v) identification of critical 
techniques and technologies; and (vi) complete design of the 
selected systems. 
The most effective method of researching suitable  applica- 
tions involves direct questioning the community of potential 
users including public and governamental departments (e.g. 
agriculture, environment, merchant navy, meteorology etc.) and 
private companies (e.g. oil-bearing, geology, etc.). For: the 
purpose of this study, these users will be presented with 
promotional literature and specific information on the project. 
Based on the information gathered so far, three applications 
have been selected, namely: (a) land monitoring, (b) ice/ocean 
monitoring, and (c) ship monitoring. 
Scope of interest in land monitoring is the all-weather 
capability of SAR. An important prerequisite for applying re- 
motely sensed data is that a multi-temporal data set is  achie- 
vable, through ARTS-IP for a timely detection of dynamic pro- 
cesses within the landscape. Specific interests are as follows: 
land use monitoring, crop status (including yield, moisture 
status, disease, state and biomass), soil status (including 
soil type, moisture status, nutrient status and susceptibility 
to erosion), management appraisal (rotation cycles, irrigation 
scheduling, burning, chemical and organic applications), de- 
tection/identification of catchment basis, river flow monito- 
ring, and planning of urban and industrial areas. 
The provision of regional and national estimates of agri- 
cultural output is of paramount importance to national,  CEC, 
and international policy making. 
Interest in sea/ocean monitoring stems from a need to 
understand ice/ocean dynamics with research presently  investi- 
gating: ice extent (seasonal and present location), ice  con- 
centration (fast ice and concentration boundaries), ice form 
(flow size distribution), leads opening, ice drift (velocity 
and direction), estuarine, seaway and coastal ice. concentra- 
tions, ice/ocean temperature flux, ocean currents (eddy,  for- 
mation and fronts), and ocean and coastal pollution monitoring. 

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