Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

Commercial interest is largely due to prediction of drift ice 
location and movement for hazard alleviation with ship routing 
and oil exploration. Also of interest is the location of 
fronts advantageous for fishing. 
The research community is interested in ice  characteri- 
stics such as roughness, types (new, first year and multi-year 
ice), snow cover (thickness extent and accumulation rates) and 
ice thickness (surface and subsurface). 
Interest in ship monitoring is related to the control of 
national fishing stocks, to the detection of fleets or  indivi- 
dual ships fishing illegally and to safe ship navigation in 
arctic seas. 
Around the initial concept of a dual look system a number 
of alternative configurations can be conceived. Two possible 
implementations have been analyzed during the study: (i) subse- 
quent processing steps, with different characteristics, of the 
same data provided by a single SAR, (ii) multimode operations 
of a composite SAR system having at least a high resolution 
and narrow swath mode and a mode with low resolution, wide 
swath capabilities. 
In the case (i), a high resolution wide swath SAR is  con- 
sidered in which the first look at low resolution is obtained 
by low pass filtering the raw data, while the high resolution 
second look is achieved by taking the raw signals at their own 
data rate. In another embodiment, the system may sense the 
environment with different frequencies and polarizations. Re- 
gardless the spatial resolution, the lst look mode is  imple- 
mented by processing a limited number of channels (i.e. fre- 
quency and/or polarization) among those available. In the 2nd 
look mode, the data provided by the bulk of channels are pro- 
cessed for a narrow swath. The approach outlined has the ad- 
vantage of requiring just one SAR even if equipped with high 
prime power. The disadvantages are related to limited  flexibi- 
lity of the system and the high data throughput required.  The- 
se remarks motivate the scarse interest on this system solu- 
System (ii) is preferred as it is more flexible even 
though it requires a SAR with multimode operation capability 
or separate SAR sensors. Let us consider the basic dual modes 
SAR: (a) low resolution wide swath (LRWS) referred to as lst 
look, and (b) high resolution narrow swath (HRNS) referred to 
as 2nd look. The remote sensing geometry of the dual mode SAR 
is shown in Fig. 2. Two independent beams are generated. The 
wide swath beam is squinted forward with respect to the satel- 
lite in order to have a longer processing time to be used for 
pointing the spot beam in a selected narrow area. A same pha- 
sed array antenna generates the two beams by means of two se- 
parate beam forming networks (BFN). The BFN of the LRWS mode 
generates a fixed beam while the BFN of HRNS mode provides, by 
electronic steering, an agile beam. In the along-track the 

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