Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

dies, The techniques used are similar to those developed for 
the rectification of aerial photography (photogrammetry), and 
by analogy the term radargrammetry has been coined.  Radargram- 
metry requires a mathematical model relating an object point 
in the Cartesian coordinates to the radar coordinates, i.e, 
time and slant range distance. This type of processing requi- 
res the use of digital terrain and digital height models.  Aq- 
ditionally, the position and orientation of the sensor (sensor 
ephemeris) during data acquisition should be accurately deter- 
mined and used. A simpler rectification procedure uses control 
points or control lines as coastlines. Geometric correction 
with control points is achieved by correlating image chips 
with a library of pre-selected chips from previous passes, 
Another preliminary processing to be done once the image 
is formed refers to the calibration of radar backscatter to 
remove system dependent effects such as antenna gain pattern, 
The different features which can be computed for each re- 
gion of the segmented image are: texture, shape and adjacency 
values. The most common way to define the texture of a region 
relates to the statistical description (e.g. mean value, stan- 
dard deviation/mean) of the grey level distribution. 
At this point of the processing each segment of the image 
can be classified. Generally speaking, this high level pro- 
cessing can be performed by means of statistical pattern  re- 
cognition, syntactic pattern recognition or KBS approaches. 
In the first method, a set of N-dimensional features are 
clustered into a number of classes. Statistical tests are 
available which check the points for purely random distribu- 
tion and determine the number of distinct classes in the popu- 
lation. This is a well advanced technique, but little work 
has been carried out with SAR data. Image structure is used in 
the syntactic pattern recognition. Primitives describe the 
shape of the regions in the image and strings describe  collec- 
tion of regions. Image classification is obtained by proces- 
sing the strings through rules of a suitable grammar. A major 
limitation of this image processing procedures is the  inabili- 
ty to handle contextual information, because contextual  infor- 
mation tends to be of declarative nature rather than of proce- 
dural form (i.e. mathematical modelling and derivations)  com- 
monly used in image processing algorithms. Information of  de- 
clarative nature can be incorporated in a KBS. Only recently 
this technique has been applied to remote sensing imagery, 
neverthless a number of KBS programs have been developed th- 
roughout the world for processing multitemporal and multi- 
Spectral digital images and for detection changes. 
Concerning ARTS-IP, image processing algorithms take place 
at the on-line and off-line levels. On-line image processing, 
also referred to as simplified KBS (SKBS), is now considered. 
Examine the case in which the LRWS mode applies: in. the 1st 
look while the HRNS mode applies in the 2nd look. The SKBS is 
a matter of segmenting the image (low level image processing) 
and checking for relevant changes with previous segmented ima- 
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