Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

Because condition (23) depends on image spectral density functions, which 
are not known apriori, the more practical case is considered now for which: 
O(f1f2) -G, for all fj4f9 (27) 
For this suboptimum condition, still applying Wiener filtering i.e. HP =, 
it follows for the rate distortion function: 
72. 2 2 
R (d,) = [frase “log ALLE ap af (28) 
Tfx "Ua 
a = Jf min [te 6 )uen* & (Py Jaf, (29) 
From (28) and (29) it follows that: 
dp = din for P = 1 (30) 
Evaluation results 
The rate distortion function expressed by (28) and (29) has been evaluated 
for the case of P = 1, corresponding to an optimum (Wiener) pre-filter for 
which dr = Armin and for the case H=1, corresponding to an optimum 
(Wiener) post-filter. 
The ground reflectivity signal r(x,y) with power a2 is modelled according 
to a two dimensional first-order Gaussian-Markov source, characterized by 
its power spectral density function: 
. 4-8. o-m 8 
Sb Cos IO ET A (ff) cn 
for -i,-if,,f2 « i, 
where Px and Py denote respectively the correlation coefficient for the x 
and the y coordinates. 
The SAR pre-processor is fully characterized by the Kaiser-window 
weighting function with cut-off frequencies at |fc1| - [f£ca|= } and the 
number of looks (L). 
Other parameters used in the evaluation are: 
as a measure of source dynamics 
dr as a measure of the relative distortion contribution 
"s z— Of the encoding and filter operations, where with (29), 
dr, the speckle-induced distortion component dm, is given by: 
dy, = d, («9 [flt e J ad df, (32) 
lon 6 AR & 
r3 CO t Rec OQ) Kk3 €) C MO 4 
EM E 1 er M pu Se (CD C2 €) rn 

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