Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

— Analyse and structure the W.G. domain, and establish the importance of 
the main sub-areas; 
— Perform research and disseminate the knowledge gained. 
Initial efforts concerned the delimitation of the W.G. domain and its 
structuring (annex 1). The preliminary terms of reference were reviewd by 
the W.G. members (annex 2) with the aim of proposing changes and upgrad- 
ing, and indicating the sub-areas of interest. From the response of the 
members, the following main areas of concentration were identified: 
1. Concepts and system models; 
2. Design and development of new systems; 
3. Existing integrated systems. 
To pursue the work effectively, the corresposning sub-groups have been 
formed, the leaders being Tony Schenk (sub-group 1), Atef Elassal (sub- 
group 2) and Mossad Allam (sub-group 3). 
The strong interrelationships among W.G. s II-1, II-2 and II-6 favour 
Joint colloquia and business meetings. Experience indicates that such 
Joint events are informative, stimulating and promote cooperation. In the 
current intercongress period the first colloquium took place at NOAA, 14- 
17 January 1986, Rockville, USA. The meeting was arranged by the 
president of Commission II, Lawrence W. Fritz. For the period 1986-88, 
several further joint meetings-colloquia have been planned. 
The primary aim of this paper is to discuss the domain of W.G. II-6 and 
its broader context, to introduce structure in the area, and thus to con- 
tribute to clarification. 
Integration comprises multiple ingredients, most of which are 
interdependent. The main categories are professional fields (or 
disciplines) involved, system functions, system resources, data base, 
production lines, interactive capability, automation, and quality con- 
trol. The main items involved in integration, i.e., functions, methods 
and means on the one hand, and hardware, software and operator on the 
other, are strongly interrelated (figure 1). Hence, the process of in- 
tegration is iterative. 
ë Hardware | 
[or nu oa um | oe ow i 
“= Y P A —— - 
Overall system State-of-the-art 
context, 7 ^ T^ 
Desirability, Design Development Specific 
Feasibility | Context 
jai ipee 
| { "Methods {software 
Objectives | | Required d Human | |Data 
| functions | | | operator} | (base 
| | LL 
Fig.l: Interrelationships in system integration. 
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