Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

2. The MKF-6 Multispectral Camera used as a photogrammetric 
camera for map production and map revision 
Since 1976 the MKF-6 (Fig. 1) has been in use in several 
variants and in different space vehicles and space stations, 
It consists of 6 separate photogrammetric cameras for 
6 spectral ranges. Its adjustment and calibration corresponds 
to the techniques of aerial camera fabrication. 
Its technical data are: 
Image format 55 mn x 81 mm (Pig, 2) 
Reseau mesh width 12.00/11.75 mm (35 crosses/pic- 
Calibrated focal length 125 mm ture) 
Field angle 38? 
Distortion sS 3 um 
Resolution > 150 1 /mm 
Spectral ranges 1:460-500 nm (blue-green) 
2: 520-560 nm (green-yellow) 
: 580-620 nm (yellow) 
: 640-680 nm (red) 
: 700-740 nm (infrared) 
: 790-890 nm (infrared) 
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Because of its geometrical properties as a narrow-angle 
camera the photographs are especially suited for planimetric 
mapping and less for height representations. 
In previous missions for photogrammetric Surveying the 
photographs were taken with 2/3 longitudinal overlap 
and adequate side overlap for areal coverage (Fig. 3). 
With flying heights of 250 and 350 km the following parameters 
were achieved: 
Flying height 250 km 350 km 
Photo scale 1:2,000,000 112,800 
Area per photopair 70 km x 160 km 100 km X 
: 225 km 
Ground resolution 413 m S19 m 
Interpretation capability <9 m S12 m 

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