Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

the restitution of cosmic image material of the MKF-6 M. 
The MKF-6 photographs can be placed into the machine either 
in their original size or magnified by 2.4 times in the 
PPA Automatic Precision Enlarger,then oriented and 
The absolute orientation of the image model is made partially 
by means of map control points. The stereoscopic compilation 
of the map elements to be represented is performed in 
partial sections and by line engravings on an engraving foil 
directly on the machine. With this technique it is possible 
to compare the photogrammetrically restituted photograph 
directly with the existing maps and to represent quite 
different map elements, such as networks of communication, 
waters, settlements, vegetation covers, etc. on separate 
engraving foils. The TOPOCART C stereplotting machine can be 
used analogously. The newly designed KARTOFLEX (1983) is a 
special equipment for map revision and the production of 
new topographic and thematic maps. The viewing magnification 
on the KARTOFLEX is continuously variable for photographs 
from 2.4 to 12 times and for the map from 0,8 to 4 times. By 
attaching colour filters in front of the lenses the 
interpretation (colour analysis) of multispectral black-and- 
photographs can be carried out in 3 spectral ranges. white 
For the digital photogrammetric restitution of photogrammetric 
space photographs use can be made of the STECOMETER C 
precision stereocomparator. It allows the point-by-point 
restitution of the photographic material with a total 
magnification of 6 to 18 times. The photo coordinates 
of single points measured in digital photogrammetric resti- 
tution are recorded in machine-readable form and subsequently 
processed in a computer, Here, too, map control points from 
existing maps of the scale of 1:25 000 are introduced, 
with street crossings being particularly well suited as 
map control points. 

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