Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

Almost all photogrammetric instruments from Jena which were 
newly included in the production program in recent years 
offer the possibility of being interconnected in such net- 
work configurations. To this end they are fitted with built- 
in microcomputers and appropriate interfaces. Programs in 
a problem-oriented language (FORTRAN) can be made available 
for external computers. 
2. Photogrammetric equipment systems of JENOPTIK 
JENA for on-line operation 
All of the more recent stereoplotting machines of 
JENOPTIK JENA GmbH gre fitted with rotary or linear enco- 
ders which allow the conversion of analogue distances in 
image or model into digital pulse sequences, Thus the prere- 
quisite is provided for connecting the systems to digital 
computers. The counting of pulses is performed either inter- 
nally in the machine or in directly coupled interface or 
data acquisition systems (Fig. 2). 
2.1. Computer-assisted interpretation with the KARTOFLEX 
The KARTOFLEX map revision instrument serves in its extended 
variant for the computer-assisted interpretation of image 
material of different image geometry (e.g. central-perspec- 
tive photos, scanner recordings). 
For this purpose it is fitted with a two-dimensional linear 
digitizer system in the map plane (Fig. 3) and a built-in 
microcomputer. An operating console permits the choice of 
the programs and the entry of point numbers for object iden- 
tification. Since in image interpretation point, line, and 
area elements have to be dealt with,internal microcomputer 
programs calculate line lengths and areas with the measure- 
ment values being obtained point by point (in polygons) or in 
time intervals (in the case of curved objects). In real-time 
operation the microcomputer also calculates corrections 
between image and map, which are introduced by shifts of the 
front lens of the map's objective in the viewing path of 
rays. In this case a feedback to the measuring instrument 
is involved which realizes a transformation of the map into 
the image plane on the basis of a polynominal and thus con- 
siderably improves the accuracy of the new points measured, 
The coefficients of the polynominal are calculated with an 
orientation program, after the coordinates of 3 to 5 points 
identified in the map and in the image have been measured. 
The output of point numbers, map coordinates, line lengths 
and areas to another computer or a peripheral unit is possi- 
ble via a serial interface. 
The following programs are incorporated in the KARTOFLEX : 
. Orientation program with subsequent automatic jump into 
the correction program. 
, Calculation of line lengths with indication on a display 

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