It proved to be necessary to introduce another (serial)
interface for the connection of the instrument to digital
computers. Thus the DZT 90 x 120 can also accept data in
on-line operation from a computer (Fig. 2). The internal
instruction volume of the DZT allows the following functions:
. writing of point numbers
. writing of terrain heights
. straight-line connections (10 line types)
. drawing of 10 basic symbols and its combination in 3 sizes
In the program system TOPAS a program package CONT is offered
tor the DZT 90 x 120 which with any given arrangement of
points in a digital height model provides the drawing instruc-
tions for drawing a contour plan. The DZT 90 x 120 incorpos
rates part of the functions of the digitizer interface, which
are necessary for the on-line connection to a measuring in-
strument. If such a connection is not required, the internal
intelligence of the instrument can essentially be enhanced.
The DZT 90 x 120/RS was therefore designed as a peripheral
instrument for digital computers and the instruction format
and instruction volume were considerably changed. Coupling
with the computer is again made via a serial interface,
There are altogether 27 drawing instructions for the DZT
90 x 120/RS, which inter alia enable the following functions:
. Positioning, choice of tools
. Straight-line connection with different line types
. Drawing of symbols and ASCII characters of any size and in
any direction
. Circle interpolation (including circular arcs)
. Mirror image representations on arbitrary straight lines
. Input of view port coordinates
. Transfer of drawing table coordinates and error status
into the connected computer
The computer-assisted DZT 90 x 120/RGS stereoplotting system
represents the upgraded design. This system is fitted with a
programmable digital computer with 2 disk drives, which allows
different calculations with measurement series (absolute
orientation, drawing table orientation, recording, mapping).
For example, in the mapping program the rectangularity and
parallelism of & building can be generated and & hachure
added. This system is part of a concept for the decentralized
computer application. A connection to a mainframe computer
can be established by a magnetic tape unit (off-line).
The use of the diskettes enables the range of internal func-
tions being possible within the system to be permanently
At the moment three program diskettes are available: