Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

A portable display with larger digits is useful to give the 
operator a quick survey of the instrument coordinates. The 
display of the current coordinates on the video terminal 
has the disadvantage that the position of the display screen 
cannot arbitrarily be chosen and that the digits appear to 
be relatively small with the standardized character size 
generally used, 
The outfit of the instruments made in Jena with operating 
means is shown in Table 1. 
4. Summary 
Advances made in digital computer technology have now 
rendered it possible to link photogrammetric data acquisition 
systems with computers and peripheral units in such a way 
that machine-readable data carriers for information transfer 
become superfluous. The instrument manufacturers support this 
tendency by the outfit of the measuring equipment with suit- 
able coupling units and interfaces, the integration of 
microcomputers in the measuring equipment and the supply of 
software packages for the mainframe computer. 
The software structure of the systems of JENOPTIK 
JENA GmbH allows the combination of programs for built-in 
microcomputers on PROMs with programs on diskettes or other 
data carriers. Using as an example the KARTOFLEX map revi- 
sion instrument, the ZIF 2 digitizer interface and the 
digital drawing tables, we illustrated the conditions which 
were taken into consideration in photogrammetric on-line 
data processing. Apart from the real-time processes of data 
acquisition, transformation and display, programs are used 
for various calculations, before the data transfer into the 
mainframe computer is performed. 
For improving the working conditions of the operator addi- 
tional operating means have been provided for the entry of 
instructions into the computer. Large-format LED displays 
facilitate the reading of the major measurement values. 
/1/ Weibrecht, O.: Das Stecometer mit automatischer Regis- 
triereinrichtung. Ein neues Datenverarbeitungssystem 
für die analytische Photogrammetrie. 
Vermessungstechnik 11(1963), pp. 385 - 390 
/2/ Umezawa, Yamashita: A unique digital mapping utility 
data management system developed in Japan 
XV ISPRS Congress, Rio de Janeiro 1984, Pres.Paper. 

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