Full text: Bücherverzeichnis der Alpenvereinsbücherei

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1K) (Ew, 
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ondon 1877. 
— Tier. 
ahre unter 
chten Innern 
K. u. Bildnis 
pts to reach 
1888. (15$, 
ebirges. Go- 
9, 10.) 4 
ition to the 
.ondon 1911, 
) [6 Abb] 
ie. Deutsch 
S., 16 Tai) 
den Urwäl- 
g i. Br. 1011, 
ineering if 
(8 S., 2 Tai) 
ustertale. E. 
ad Neuhaus 
) a domus 
991. (5 S) 
mark — 
641 Neumarkt — Neusüdwales 
Schwetter, Anton, Der klimatische Cur- 
ort Neumarkt in Steiermark. Wien 1886. (137 S. 
7 Taf, 2 PL, 1 K.) 
Neumarkt (Deutsch-Süd-Tirol) 
s. Fleimser Dolomiten .— 
Neumexiko (Vereinigte Staaten) 
s a. Rocky Mountains Ver. Staaten 
Chapin, Frederick H., The land of the 
cliff-dwellers. Boston 1802. (X, 177S., 62 Taf., 
2PL.3K.) ; 
Higgins, C. A. Las Vegas hot springs 
and vicinity. Santa Fe 1897. (48S.) [Abb.] 
Loew, Oskar, Lt. G. M. Wheeler's 2. Ex- 
pedition nach Neu-Mexiko und Colorado, 1874. 
Gotha 1875/76. (23S.) S. A. (P. M.21, 12; 22, 
6.) 4° 
Neuötting (Oberbayern) 
Neuötting a. I. 
Ebda. 1913. (32S.) 
Neuschwanstein (Allgäu) 
s. a. Kónigsschlósser 
und seine Umgebung. 
Führer durch die K. Burg Hohenschwan- 
gau (Neuschwanstein) München 1886. (17S.) 
Neuseeland (Australien) 
s. a, Tierkunde — Vereine Alpine — 
Weltreisen — Zeitschriften Alpine 
Barnicoat, Constance A. Through ihe 
Copland Pass. London 1904. (10S. S.A. 
(Wide World Mag. 12, 72.) [12 Abb.] 
Bell, J. Mackintosh, The physical features 
of New Zealand. Philadelphia ~ 1910. (16S. 
3Tal) S.A. (Bull. Geogr. Soc. 8, 1/2.) 
Christmas Number of the Auckland 
Weekly News. Auckland 1910, (36S., 2 Taf.) 2°. 
Cowan, James, New Zealand, or Ao-Tei- 
Roa (the long bright world): its wealth anfl 
resources, scenery, travel-routes, spas and sport. 
Wellington N. Z.1908. (274S., 1 K.) [Abb.] 
Cunningham, W. T., New Zealand as a 
tourist and health resort. Auckland 1893. (96 S., 
15 Taf, 5K.) 
Fitz Gerald, E[dward] A. Dans les 
Alpes de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Paris 1806. 
(218, 1K.) (Rev. de Paris 3, 19.) [Auch Ntk.] 
— Climbs in the New Zealand Alps, being 
an account of travel and discovery. London 
1896. (XVI, 363 S., 45 Taf., 1K.) 
Fletcher, T. A, In the Godley Valley, 
New Zealand. London 1923. (5 S. 12 Taf) 
(A. ]. 35, 226) 
Green, William Spotswood, The High Alps 
of New Zealand, or a trip to the glaciers of 
the antipodes with an ascent of Mount Cook. 
London 1883. (XI, 350 S., 3 Taf, 2 K.) 
Gully, John, New Zealand scenery. Lon- 
don 1877. (32S., 15 Tat.) 2 
Hamilton, A. The Maori of New Zealand. 
Philadelphia 1910. (118, 4Tai) S.A. (Bull 
Geogr. Soc. 8, 1/2.) 
Harper, Arthur P., The New Zealand Alps: 
How to get there and what to do. London 1923. 
GS.) (A. J. 35, 226.) 
— Maps of the Alps of New Zealand. S. A. 
London 1922. (4S.) (A. J. 34, 224.) 
— Pioneer work in the Alps oi New Zea- 
land. A record of the first exploration of the 
chief glaciers and ranges of the Southern Alps. 
London 1806, (XVI, 336 S., 40 Taf., 1 K.) 
Hochstetter, Ferdinand von, Neu-See- 
land. Stuttgart 1863. (XX, 556 S., 15 Taf., 2K.) 
Kronecker, Franz, Reisen in den süd- 
lichen Alpen Neuseelands. Graz 1807. (33S, 
1 Taf, 1K.) S.A. (Z.28) 4°. [Abb.] 
— Streifziige durch die Fjorde und Alpen- 
seen des siidlichen Neu-Seeland. Sydney 1895. 
(23 S.) 
— Wanderungen in den südlichen Alpen 
Neu-Seelands. Berlin 1898. (119 S., 20 Tai., 1 K.) 
Lendenfeld, Robert von, Die Alpen Neu- 
seelands. Wien 1889. (34S., 3 Taf.) (Z. 20.) 
— Eine Expedition nach dem Centralstocke 
der Neuseeländischen Alpen. Wien 1884. (20 S.) 
S. A. (Ó. A. Z. 6, 146 ii.) 4° 
— Neuseeland. Berlin o. J. (194S. 1 Taf, 
1 K.) (Bibl. Lánderk, 9.) 4". [Àbb.] 
Mannering, George Edward, With axe 
and rope in the New Zealand Alps. London 
18901. (146 S, 18 Tai, 1K)) 
— The Godley glaciers and Sealy Pass, New 
Zealand. London 1908. (13S., 9 Tai, 1 K.) S. A. 
(A. J. 24, 179.) 
Marshall, P. The commercial geography 
of New Zealand. Philadelphia 1910. (15 S., 
3 Tai) S. A, (Bull. Geogr. Soc. 8, 1/2.) 
Minchinton, H. D. Some climbs in New 
Zealand. London 1925. (9S., 5 Taf.) (A. J. 
37, 230.) 
Morgan, P. G., The scenery of New 
Zealand. Philadelphia 1910. (15S., 3 Taf.) S. A. 
(Bull. Geogr. Soc. 8, 1/2.) 
Newton, H. E, Two seasons on the west 
coast of New Zealand. The La Perouse glacier. 
London 1915. (24S., 5 Taf) (A.]J. 29, 207.) 
Pember Reeves, William, The long white 
cloud. 2.ed. London 1899, (XIV, 439 S., 24 Taï, 
2K) [Schr] 
Porter, H.E.L., Ten weeks in the southern 
Alps of New Zealand. London 1924, (19 S. 
3 Taf.) (A. J. 36, 229.) 
Reischek, Andreas, Sterbende Welt. Zwölf 
Jahre Forscherleben auf Neuseeland. Leipzig 
1924. (3345S., 29 Taf., 1 K.) 
Ross, Forrest, A lady mountaineer in the 
New Zealand Alps. London 1909. (8S.) S. A. 
(Wide World Mag. 6, 33.) [13 Abb.] 
Ross, Malcolm, ’A climber in a far country’. 
London 1915. (7S.) (A. J. 29, 209.) 
— The first crossing of Mount Cook. Lon- 
don 1906. (17S. 3Taf) S. A. (A. ]. 23, 172) 
Turner, Samuel, The conquest of the New 
Zealand Alps. London 1922. (201 S., 24 Taf.) 
Wigley, R. L, A winter ascent of Mt. 
Cook. London 1923, (3S.) (A. ]. 35, 227.) 
Wright, H. F, The late major Bernard 
Head's expeditions in the Dart District, New 
Zealand. London 1921. (4S, 1Taf) (A. J. 
34, 223.) 
Neusiedlersee (Burgenland) 
Blagoëvich, R, s. 
j Rax-Schnee- 
Neustadt a. d. H. (Rheinpfalz) 
Liesenberg, Tilly, Neustadt a. d. H. und 
seine Umgebung. Ebda. o. J. (28S, 3 Taf.) 
Neustift (Stubai) 
Neustift Innsbruck 1914. (6S.) 4°. [Abb.] 
Neusiidwales (Australien) 
s. a. Höhlenkunde — Wintersport 
New South Wales, A holiday ground 
for the tourist. Sydney [1911]. (120 S.) 
Railway, The Cooma, and Monaro Di- 
strict New South Wales. Sydney 1806. (16 S., 
3 Taf, 1K.) 

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