Full text: Bücherverzeichnis der Alpenvereinsbücherei

i the Colo. 
897. (32 S) 
and Canyon 
ps. London 
the Grand 
New York 
Rambles in 
to the gold 
212 S.) 
orado. The 
o. J. (6B, 
s and Colo. 
York 1878. 
olorado, die 
weig 1885 
oldon eyrie, 
ington 1888, 
' in Horse 
. A. (Sports 
enridge and 
5.) qu. 8. 
n Gold Belt 
innison o. J. 
1900. (6S) 
Mount Rob- 
À. (A.]- 35, 
in the Lik 
9 Taf) S.A 
he Canadian 
| [6K] 
ins, Canada 
, the highest 
ondon 1910. 
3 Abb., 1K] 
w and old 
Taf, ;9K) 
ploration of 
1921. (45) 
bia icefield. 
ntains north 
1912. (138, 
‘anadian Al 
4 Taf) S.A 
'an. London 
: Mt. Barbi- 
2ocky Moun 
1K) A) 
ian Rockies 
> Taf, 1K) 
737 Rocky Mountains (Kanada) 738 
Fynn, Val. A., Around Lake Louise. With 
ascents of Mts. King George and Assiniboine 
(Canadian Rockies). London 1920. (16 S., 4 Tat.) 
(A. J. 33, 221.) - , 
— Mount Louis (Canadian Rockies). London 
1018. (8S., 2 Tat.) (A. J. 32, 217.) 
— Canadian climbing notes. London 1923. 
(4S., 1Taï.) (A. J.35, 226.) [Mt. Lefroy, Mt. 
Quadra, Mt. Freshtield.] 
Green, William Spotswood, Among the 
Selkirk glaciers, being the account of a rough 
survey in the Rocky Mountain regions of Bri- 
tish Columbia. London 1890. (XIII, 2518, 
9Tai, 1 K.) 
Habel, Jean, Aus den Alpen Nordamerikas. 
München 1900. (19 S.) S. A. (Z. 31.) 4? 
— The north Fork-valley oi the Wapta (Bri- 
tish Columbia). Boston 1898. (10S., 3 Taf.) S. A. 
(App. 8) : 
Hickso n, J. W. A., The Columbia group and 
round Bow Pass and Lake Louise in 1023. 
London 1923. (2 S.) (A. J. 35, 227.) 
Howard, G.E., À week in the Selkirks 
with the Alpine Club of Canada. London 1909. 
(9S. 1 Taf.) S. A. (A. J. 24, 184.) 
Kain, Conrad, The ascent of Mt. Robson. 
London 1014. (4S., 1 Taf.) (A. J. 28, 203.) 
— Ersteigung und Traversierung von Mount 
Robson. Wien 1914. (6S.) S. A. (O. T. Z. 34, 
1.) 4° [6 Abb.] 
Kinney, G.R.B., The highest peak in the 
Canadian Rockies. Winnipeg 1910. (23S. 
[Abb., 1 K.] 
Kóhler, Woligang, Mount Tupper (Selkirk 
Range Kanada) München 1014. (6S.) S.A. 
(D. A. Z.14, 8.) 4°. [Bi. (L) 7 Abb.] 
Laut, A.C, Unclimbed peaks of the Rockies. 
New York 1901. (7S.) S. A. (Outing.) [Abb.] 
Longstaff, Tom] Gleorge], Across the 
purcell range of British Columbia. London 1911. 
(12S., 3 Taf.) S. A. (G. J. 36, 6.) 
Mumm, A.L., A trip up the Whirlpool 
HR London 1914. (15S., 3 Taf.) (A.J. 28, 
Oxley, J. Macdonald, On the wrong side 
of the snowridge. O.O. u. J. (3S., 1 Taf.) 4° 
Palmer, Howard, The first ascent of Mt. 
King Edward, with a note on Mt. Alberta. 
London 1025. (A.]. 27, 231) (42$. 3Tai) 
— The first ascent of Mt. Sir Sandiord, the 
loftiest summit of the Selkirks. London 1913. 
16S., 3 Tat.) S. A. (A. J. 27, 201.) 
— Three new ascents in the Selkirks. Lon- 
don 1910. (19S., 6 Taf.) S. A. (A. J. 25, 180.) 
[Mit Verz. der über 10 000’ hohen Gipfel in den 
—,and J. Monroe Thorington, A clim- 
ber's guide to the Rocky Mountains of Canada. 
New York 1921. (XV, 183S., 1 Taf, 5K.) 
Parkinson, P. R, A glimpse of the Rockies. 
London 1908. (10 S., 2 Tat.) S. A. (A. J. 24, 181.) 
Richardson, Symmes W., From noon to 
midnight on an ice slope. London 1911. (6S., 
2 Tal) S. A, (A. J. 25, 102) 
Schwarz, O.P., In den kanadischen Rocky 
NO rins Bern 1024. (9 S) (Alp. 32, 2.) 
Spragge, E, In the heart of the Rockies. 
O. O. 1900. 7 8S.) S.A. (Seit Culture) [Abb.] 
Stutfield, Hugh E. M, and J. Norman 
Collie, Climbs and exploration in the Cana- 
dian Rockies. London 1903. (XII, 343 S. 
52 Taf, 1K.) 
Tewes, E, Aus den Alpen von Britisch 
Columbia. Innsbruck 1905. (32S., 2 Tai) S. A. 
(Z.36.) 4° 
Thorington, J. Monroe, The Freshfield 
group, 1922. (Rocky Mountains of Canada.) 
London 1922. (13S. 2 Tal) (A.].34, 225) 
— The mountains of the Columbian icefield, 
1923. (Rocky Mountains of Canada.) London 
1923. (21 $,, 5 Tai) (A. ].35, 221.) 
— The mountains oi the Whirlpool. London 
1924. (50S., 6 Tai, 1 K.) (A. J. 36, 229.) 
— À note on the original journals of David 
Douglas. London 1925. (8S., 3 Taï.) (A. J. 27, 
231.) [1 K.] 
— Side valleys and peaks of the Yellowhead 
Trail. London 1925. (25S., 3Taï.) (A. J.27, 
Vallas, Jean, De Galgary ä Vancouver 
à travers les rocheuses canadiennes. Grenoble 
1011. (138, 2Tai) S.A. (A. T. D. 36) 
Vancouver Daily Province, The, 
Magazine Section. Vancouver 1910. (48 S.) 
(Alpine Nummern vom 6., 13. u. 20. Aug. 1910.) 
[Abb, Beitr. von J. Norman Collie, J. W. 
Hickson, Charles Fay u. a.] 
Villiers-Schwab, Henry B. de, First 
Mt. Clemenceau expedition. London 1923. 
(6S. 1 Tai) (A.].35, 2206.) 
Wheeler, Arthur O., Expedition to Spilli- 
macheen mountains photo-top. surveys. London 
1911. (7S, 1K.)) S. A. (G. J. 36,6.) 
— The Mount Robson Camp of the Alpine 
Club of Canada. London 1913. (3S. S.A. 
(A. J.27, 201.) 
— The mountains of Yellowhead Pass. Lon- 
don 1012. O6S. 1 lat, 1K,) S A. (A.J.26, 
[Whymper, Edward], A famous moun- 
taineer in the Canadian Rockies. Buffalo 1902. 
(24S.) [Abb.] 
Wilcox, Walter Dwight, Camping in the 
Canadian Rockies. An account of camp life in 
the wilder parts of the Canadian Rocky Moun- 
tains. New York 1896. (XII, 283S., 25 Taf.) 
— The new Switzerland. The Canadian 
Rockies as a climbing-ground. London 1901. 
(10S.) S. A. (Pall Mall Mag.) [Abb.] 
Williams, John H., The guardians of the 
Columbia. (Mount Hood, Mount Adams and 
Mount Helens). 200 Abb. Tacoma 1912. (142 S.) 
Rocky Mountains (Sierra Nevada) 
Bade, William Frederick, Summering in the 
Sierra Nevada. New York 1911. (6S.) S.A. 
(Indep.) [3 Abb.] 
Chase, Smeaton J. Yosemite trails. Camp 
and pack-train in the Yosemite region of the 
iK» Nevada. London 1912. (X, 354 S., 16 Tat., 
Hutchings, J. M,, In the heart of the Sier- 
ras, the Yosemite valley. Oakland 1886. (XII, 
496S., 29 Taf., 2K.) [Auch Gesch.] 
Jordan, David Starr, The Alps of the 
Kings-Kern Divide. O.O.u.J. (78S) S.A. 
(Land of Sunshine.) [Abb.] 
King, Clarence, Mountaineering in the Sierra 
Nevada. London 1872. (202 S.) [Bt. (I.)] 
Le Conte, Joseph N., The High Sierra of 
California. Philadelphia 1907. (16S., 1K.) S. A. 
(Alp. Am. 1.) 4°. [Abb.] 
Solomons, Theodore S. Unexplored re- 
gions of the High Sierra, O.O.u. J. (11 S.) S. A. 

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