Wallis-Walliser Alpen (Allgemeines) — Walliser Alpen (Dent Blanche) 988
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Wallis — Walliser Alpen (Führer)
s. a. Biella
Ball, John, Pennine Alps, including Mont
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1875/78. (198S., 4K.) (AR, Guide.)
Bobba, Giovanni, e Luigi Vaccarone,
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—, and Wl[illiam A esse) B[revoort]
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peck-Jost, G., Ill. Führer auf die Gipfel
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monix, Heit 1—9. Zürich [1885—80]. (832 S,
40 Tai. (E. W. B. 81 f£) [Abb., K.]
Walliser Alpen (Grand Combin)
Arcis, Egmond d', Petit et Grand St. Ber
nard. Zürich 1916. (14S.) (Alp. 24, 9—11.) 4
[Auch Grajische Alpen.]
Brofferio, Angelo, Grand Combin. 2 ill
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Coolidge, W]Jilliam] A[ugustus] Blre-
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Frank, Adolf, Der Grand Combin. Mün-
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Hug, Gottfried, Grand Combin— Mont Blanc.
Bern 1020. (4S.) (Alp. 28, 8.) 49
Kerez, Erinnerungen an Arolla und Val de
Bagnes. Zürich 1914. (4S.) (Alp.22, 12) ^
Maquelin, L., Ascension du Mont-Combin
ou Graffeneire le 8 juillet 1865. Genève 1866.
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Torino 1915. (7S.) (Riv. 34, 2.) [4 Abb]
Nieberl, Franz, Auf den Grand Combin.
Wien 1919. (6S.) S.A. (O.A.Z.41, 965.) 4
Puiseux, Victor, Zig-zags, Portiengrat-
Tour noir-Grand Combin. Paris 1914. (118,
4 Taf) S.A. (Mont. 10, 4.)
Schwyzer, H., Auffahrt auf dem Grand
Combin. Bern 1922. (3S.) (Alp. 30, 7.) 4°
— Le massif du Combin. Bern 1922. (55)
(Alp. 30.) 4° Ao
Strumia, Massimo, Nelle montagne d’Ami-
anthe. Torino 1923. (8S.) (Riv.42, 3.) [3 Abb,
1K. Gran Testa di By, Mont Percé, Gr. Com-
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Walliser Alpen (Dent Blanche)
Bell, G. M, An adventure on the Dent
Blanche. London 1923, (10S., 1 Taf) (A. J.35,
Bruneton, Marie, Traversée de la Dent
Blanche. Paris 1010. (6S., 3 Ta) (Mont.6,1)
ches à
4 Taf.
Wien :
A. J.C
tour A
2 Taf.)
39, 941
2, 13.)
Dent E
the ea
[Dent |
from tt
1906. |
Walliser .
(4 S.) (
of the
2 Taf.)
1.) [6
stieg iil
(Alp. 31