Full text: Abstracts (c)

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Juan Antonio Altamirando Flores 
Nelson Amoretti Lisboa 
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS 
Instituto de Geociéncias - DEMIPE 
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 
91540-000 - Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil 
ISPRS Commission VII / Working Group 4 
The morphotectonic and morphostructural characterization of the Fluorite District located in the 
Southeast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil, has been undertaken through the analysis and interpretation of 
remote sensing digital and analogic products from the TM sensor of Landsat 5 satellite. Three 
morphotectonic domains are observed, respectively designated Higher Massifs, Circum-denudation Areas 
and Plains. The Domain of Higher Massifs is integrated by the process with coarse rugose texture; the 
domain is constituted by the crystalline rocks of the Tabuleiro Complex and Subida Intrusive Suite. The 
Domain of the Circum-denudation Areas comprises the morphotectonic units of Intermediate Dissecation 
of Massifs and Periphericl Depression, showing and erosion process with fine rugose texture; it 
comprises the granitic rocks of the Subida Intrusive Suite an Gondwana sedimentary cover. The Domain 
of Plains is represented by the unit Coastal and Alluvial Plain with a depositional process reflecting as 
smooth texture in the image; it is formed by Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. The morphostructures 
cutting the Fluorite District are Grouped in four series, designated Urussanga-type Lineament (N40°E) 
and Tubardo-Rio D'Una-type Lineament (N30° E) The first two correspond to Precambrian structural 
traces; the other two are related to the rifting and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. The unit of 
Intermediate Dissecation of Massifs contains the major deposits and occurrences of fluorite in the District 
whenever associated to the Lineaments of Morro da Fumaga-Pedras Grandes-type and Tubardo-Rio 

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