Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

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7. Changes of Category 
The Council has approved the change of category of the 
Ordinary Member from China Taipei from Category 3 to 
Category 4. The General Assembly endorsed Council’s 
The Ordinary Member from China requested to change its 
category from 6 to 7. The change was approved by the 
General Assembly by acclamation. 
The Ordinary Member from South Africa sought approval 
to reduce its position in Category 5 to Category 2. The 
decision on this request was deferred for later considera- 
tion pending supporting evidence. 
8. Members in Defauit 
President Fritz stated that a number of members were seri- 
ously in default of payment of their subscriptions. The 
Financial Commission concurs that Council take action on 
these Members. The President outlined several lines of 
action that Council may take on these defaulting Mem- 
bers, possibly leading to the "unpleasant task" of cancel- 
lation of membership. The GA was requested to offer a 
motion for action. 
9. Approvals and Ratifications of Council Activities 
9.1 New Awards 
First Vice President Murai presented two new awards 
approved by Council for ratification by the General Assem- 
1 "The U.V. Helava Award" jointly supported by LH Sys- 
tems and Elsevier Science B.V. for the most outstand- 
ing papers published in the Journal. 
2 "The Gino Cassinis Award" supported by the Societa 
Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia for individuals 
significantly enhancing the mathematical and statistical 
foundations of photogrammetry, remote sensing or 
spatial science. 
These Awards were ratified by the General Assembly. 
9.2 Donations 
Treasurer Rüther presented details of donations received 
by ISPRS: 
1 Donation of SwF 12,500 from the Japan Society of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and SwF 7,500 
from the "Joint ISPRS/EARSeL Workshop, Valladolid 
99" to support the Young Authors Awards. 
2 A donation of Y500,000 (approximately US $ 4,500) 
from Central Computer Service of Japan to support the 
2nd Computer Aided Teaching (CATCON2) software 
The Donations were ratified by the General Assembly. 
9.3 Memorandums of Understanding 
President Fritz presented three formal ISPRS agreements: 
1 Memorandum of Understanding with UN Office of 
Outer Space Affairs (OOSA). 
2 Letter of Intent for Closer Collaboration with the Inter- 
national Center for Remote Sensing of Environment 
3 Letter of Intent for Closer Collaboration with the Geo- 
graphical Information Science (GISc) Study Group of 
the International Geographical Union. 
The agreements were ratified by the General Assembly. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — 
9.4 Guidelines 
Secretary General Trinder presented a new guidelines doc- 
ument, the "Manual of Operation for ISPRS Technical 
Commissions and Working Groups" (Orange Book), and 
the following new and/or revised Guidelines: 
- Guidelines for Members Planning to Host an ISPRS 
- Guidelines for Candidates for Members of the Council 
- Guidelines for ISPRS Financial Commission (new) 
- Guidelines for ISPRS Council Spending Policy (new) 
- |SPRS Awards Policy (new) 
- Guidelines for Preparation of National Reports for Am- 
sterdam Congress 2000 
- Terms of Reference for Sustaining Members 
The Guidelines were ratified by the General Assembly. 
9.5 Contracts 
President Fritz presented three contracts for ratification: 
1 Elsevier Science, publisher of the ISPRS Interna- 
tional Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sens- 
ing for period 2000-2004. The President strongly 
supported this contract as it was at no cost to the 
Society, with significantly improved terms for sub- 
scriber benefits. 
2 GITC B.V, publisher of ISPRS Highlights. Secretary 
General Trinder has not finalised this contract but 
Council is close to agreement with GITC. Ratification in 
advance was sought. 
3 Financial Consultant, Ms Susan Curtis-Pugh to assist 
the Treasurer and Council with financial management 
and planning. 
The GA ratified the contracts. 
10. Presentation of Strategic Plan 
President Fritz presented the Strategic Plan for the Soci- 
ety, which has been developed and initiated by Council. A 
summary copy of the document "ISPRS - A Strategic Plan 
for the 21st Century" was distributed to all Delegates for 
discussion and approval. 
11. Member Proposals to Host the 20th Congress in 
The following Ordinary Members presented their proposed 
venue and candidate for Congress Director: 
- China proposed Beijing and Professor Yang Kai 
- Spain proposed Barcelona and Mr. Jaume Miranda 
- Turkey proposed Istanbul and Professor Orhan Altan 
12. Proposed Amendments to the Statutes and 
Delegates were provided with an annotated version of the 
Statutes and Bylaws showing proposed changes and 
rationale, which 2nd Vice President Barbosa summarised 
for the GA. Delegates were requested to submit further 
modifications for GA consideration, in written form, to the 
2nd VP within 24 hours. 
13. Discussion of Amendments to the Statutes and 
The EARSeL Representative spoke against the change 
from "Ordinary Member" to "National Member". He 
stated that ISPRS wishes to unite all Societies, irrespec- 
tive of political issues. Second Vice President Barbosa 
noted that the proposed changes had already been cir- 

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