Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

| 49 
on |, 
Result of ballot for Technical Commission | 
USA: 122 
Germany 60 
USA was elected to host Commission |, 
with Professor Stanley Morain as President. 
Result of ballot for Technical Commission Il 
China: 93 
Switzerland: 89 
China was elected to host Commission Il, 
with Professor Jun Chen as President. 
Result of ballot for Technical Commission IV 
Canada: 99 
The Netherlands: 84 
Canada was elected to host Commission IV, 
with Dr. Costas Armenakis as President 
Result of ballot for Technical Commission VII 
India: 113 
Japan: 67 
Abstentions 2 
India was elected to host Technical Commission VII, with 
Dr. Rangnath Navalgund as President 
28. Nominations for Chair and Members of the 
Financial Commission 
Chair: Professor H. Rüther (South Africa) 
Members: ... Ms. Iffat Huque (Bangladesh) 
Mr. M. Barbosa (Brazil) 
As there were no further nominees, they were declared 
elected by acclamation. 
29. Discussion on Members in Default of 
The Delegate from UK proposed that "Council is to 
exhaust all means to communicate with the defaulting 
Member to determine the Member's situation, its viabil- 
ity and its level of ability to meet its ISPRS responsibil- 
ities. If the Member proves to be unviable, then Council 
is to recommend to the General Assembly that the 
Membership should be cancelled as per Bylaw IV.1.g." 
The Delegate from Switzerland proposed that "Council 
is to allow some lenience to those Members in default 
which request with reasonable cause a delay in pay- 
ment with promise of payment in full. If no such request 
is received from the Ordinary Member within six months 
of advice from the Council, then the Member will be 
30. Report on Inter-Organisational Relations 
While votes for Commission | were counted, the Secretary 
General delivered the report on Inter-Organisational Rela- 
31. Reports on Communications 
31.1 Journal 
The Editor Dr. M. Baltsavias presented his report while 
votes for Commission ll were counted. 
31.2 ISPRS Highlights 
The Editor Dr. Lucas Janssen presented his report while 
votes for Commission IV were counted. 
31.3 Home Page 
Secretary General Trinder presented the report for Web- 
master André Streilein while votes for Commission VII were 
32. Recognition of Editors and Committee Chairs 
Secretary General Trinder presented Certificates of Appre- 
ciation to: 
- Editor of the ISPRS International Journal of Pho- 
togrammetry and Remote Sensing: Dr. Emmanuel Balt- 
- Editor of ISPRS Highlights: Dr. Lucas Janssen 
- Webmaster: Dr. André Streilein (in absentia). 
The President presented Certificates of Appreciation to 
the Financial Commission Chair, Professor Armin Grün, 
and Financial Commission Members, Anders Boberg 
and Dr. Ivan Katzarsky and to the Chair of the Education 
and Training Task Force, Dr. Tania Maria Sausen. He 
stated that similar Certificates would be delivered to the 
Chair of the Communications Task Force, Mr. K. Atkin- 
son and to the Chair of the International Policy Advisory 
Committee, Professor R. Harris. 
The session adjourned at approximately 6 pm. 
Fourth General Assembly, Saturday, 15.00-17.00 22nd July 2000 
1. Presidents Welcome 
President Fritz welcomed distinguished guests and intro- 
duced Professor Tuan-Chi Chen, who prepared the dynamic 
version of the logo for display at this GA. 
33. Election of Chair and Members of the Financial 
The election was declared on Thursday 20" July. The 
incoming Chair and Members of the Financial Commission 
were formally presented to the General Assembly. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
34. Congress Director's Report 
The Congress Director, Professor Klaas Jan Beek, pre- 
sented his report and evaluation of the Congress. 
35. Approval of Resolutions for 2000-2004 
The Resolutions for 2000-2004 were presented by 1st 
Vice President Murai and were approved by the General 
Assembly, after discussion and modification to some of 
the proposals. First VP Murai expressed appreciation to 
Professor Bruce Forster, Ms. Isabelle Viellet and Profes- 

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