Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

sor Hans-Peter Bähr for their excellent service here as 
members of the Resolutions Committee. 
36. Report of Financial Commission 
The Chairman of the Financial Commission, Professor Grün, 
presented the report of the Commission. 
37. Unit of Subscription 
Council recommended that the unit of subscription for the 
period 2000-2004 should remain at its current value of 
SwF 100. The recommendation was approved by the Gen- 
eral Assembly. 
3. Certification of Delegate Credentials 
Secretary General Trinder called the roll. There were 34 
Ordinary Members present with 153 eligible votes. 
38. Decision on Members in Default of Contribution 
The UK and Switzerland each put forward a motion for- 
malising their proposals noted above under item #29. The 
UK Delegate, speaking to the motion, commented that all 
options suggested by Council emphasised communica- 
tion between the Member and the Council before any final 
steps were to be taken. He stated that the Council should 
review each case on its merits and that the Swiss motion 
would lead to a reduction in size of the Society. 
The result of the vote on the motion was: 
UK motion 65 
Switzerland motion 87 
Invalid 1 
Approval of the motion by Switzerland is a directive for 
action by the incoming Council. 
39. Other Business 
1) The new logo for the Society was presented to, and 
ratified by, the General Assembly. The prize of US$500 
was presented to the Delegate for Canada to be 
passed on to the designer, Mr. Mike Kierstead from the 
College of Geographic Science, Canada. The dynamic 
version of the logo, prepared by Professor Tuan-Chi 
Chen, was displayed to the GA. 
2) The Delegate for The Netherlands commented that there 
was considerable overlap of Resolutions and suggested 
that the Council should resolve these with the Technical 
Commission Presidents. 
President Fritz said this overlap would be minimised as 
a result of Bylaw changes and that in the future Resolu- 
tions should be submitted earlier than at the Congress. 
3) The Delegate for Poland, commenting on the Congress 
Director's report, said that the Congress clashed with 
several Remote Sensing Conferences. President Fritz 
said that the new Council should co-operate with other 
Societies to avoid such clashes. Congress Director 
Beek commented that the Organising Committee was 
aware of this clash but that it was unavoidable. 
4) The Delegate for Brazil suggested an invitation should be 
sent to ICA to attend the next Congress. 
5) President Fritz commended Congress Director Beek, 
The Netherlands Society President Molenaar and the 
Organising Committee for the success of the Congress 
and expressed appreciation to the General Assembly 
support staff for their outstanding efforts. 
40. Close of General Assembly 
In closing the General Assembly, President Fritz said that 
it had been a privilege for him to chair the General Assem- 
bly and thanked the Members for supporting the demo- 
cratic process and for completing their work within the 
time allotted. 
The General Assembly adjourned at 4.45 pm. 
Professor J. C. Trinder 
Secretary General 
July 2000 
President's Report to the General Assembly (GA 16.1) 
for the 1996-2000 Term between the 
XVIII Vienna and XIX Amsterdam Congresses 
by Lawrence W. Fritz, President ISPRS 
Distinguished Delegates, Representatives, Advisors and 
| am truly honored to serve as ISPRS President and am 
grateful to the General Assembly for providing me this 
opportunity. Having served previously on Council as Con- 
gress Director and as Secretary General | recognized that 
the position of President is more than a position of honor. 
It comes with responsibilities to represent the Society 
before national and international organizations, to commu- 
nicate and interact with its Members, and to manage the 
Society together with the Council and Commission Presi- 
dents. To serve ISPRS honorably requires major dedication 
to perform the duties of the position and an ability to 
appreciate the needs and diversity of the Society’s Mem- 
bership and its officials. According to the Statutes and 
Bylaws, the President is responsible for: 
- Convening and presiding over the Congress plenary, 
the General Assembly and meetings of Council 
- Coordinating the activities of the Commissions, Work- 
ing Groups and Committees 
- Representing the Society with national and interna- 
tional institutions and organizations whose activities 
are of interest to the Society 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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