Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Scientific Programitie i..ocoisncenssininminsnpmimmspioiosasispuintiss commision ibbia mabe es hints E ra EE Rer eere PR reFEE DP de EE ER e EE kun 123 
*- Overall PrOgramimie. ............—.... rene eeteeieoeortespriiteeenet Potente eiecit dei enter otoconia aus p e i e ere Da ee 124 
DONA IS MM quM AR NT I CT M a 128 
= Final Session PIOGRAMME cree ee ecctt raconte it etre et ren es certe és aa loo 130 
= Technical Comimission 1: Sensors, Platiorms and IMaGery …………—ivmnemectirennnençennnnenn ann nt à one nee 179 
- Technical Commission II: Systems for Data Processing, Analysis and Representation... 183 
m, Technical Commission Hi: Theory and AIGOFIIS rss roro reor e tres tre perbtenettereseeeiiit e dee era ee 186 
- Technical Commission IV: Spatial Information Systems and Digital Mapping... sees eee eeseeseeon. 188 
=. Technical Commission V: Close-range Techniques and. Machine VÍSIOR,................ rer re re ee BEE 189 
=. Technical Commission Vl: Education add Communication ................ ahs 196 
Technical Commission VII: Resources and Environment Monitoring rene soerpte feeder m eere eta rede 197 
=, Outlook 2000-2004 of Incoming Technical Commission Presidents eee EE 214 
EXDIDINION . ……te-prretenienee sécscrénirenmin entrent rai iésépecihréremamente nement ene ea eee er eee eee eee eee 229 
= VOR EX ae eee ee ae Eee cute ane nee ae 230 
=, ISPRS daily’ - Regular Reporting or Compressed Congress... meer eeneeriihen eee ee 234 
-"cimpressions of the XIXtfi ISPRS Corigress........ ee I 236 
2. "Exhibitors SIYOWCASOS. ie a te eq e ci o dte GE ee E 241 
=" National & Scientific EXHIDIEOI.......... rore ettet ttes cendi en eee et edi e n eb te 244 
er HD M s S LR EP UM M i, i] 245 
7" Exhibitors per COULIy.... ..... eerie ertt eniti eerte teet petas tesra a ee tee Pe eee ME 245 
SP SEXBDIOFS.:.. other EET HRS EUN loud ad sd dinis EEE esent ee EO 245 
= \Warming Up for ISPRS Amsierdairi.....iueseeetesttenierieivenctad idco terasoein ilia ttm lL RES 262 
Closing Cerem ly... tette iude sae on ten tue ipa turn MSH times caserne eine renier ann ter ue Gar esorsrrenen rein osea ene Pena Dreher eade 267 
=" The NewISPRS L0gO..........—.. eret ekptetitutei rione inii ieca iore re ninetre te cou tencnce retire acte ob a i Li nil 268 
- Congress. Director's Report at Closing Session, by Klaas JAN BERK... iranian n en en 269 
*^. Address of Outgoing President, by Lawrence W. Fritz, President ISPRS............. a consi dr 270 
= Presentation of Chain of Office, by Lawrence W. Fritz, ISPRS Presideril.... ern eere rere reete rere on oa 272 
=». Address of Incoming President by John Tainder arte ade bett retten En, 273 
- John [rinder, ISPRS President Elect, Gongratulates Present Congress Director …………………….…..…………mcirenemennentenen ei 275 
2. Address of. Incoming.ISPRS Congress Director, M. Ohran AItan…….…m…m tré dE ar alt 275 
=: Address of Ouigoing Congress Director, Klaas Jan Beek a ed. 276 
=. Resolutions ot the XIX Congress of ISPRS in Amsterdam 2000... leer REES erraten 282 
Social Programme EE er SRI ale fe LTT De CIR i eR 291 
«3. Social Programme... ose titer e f dci te A A ton um ain te rate te 292 
ra. Technical TOUS... eee tir TAR deep dolia demisit ier ee dre rene ee tee ehren 292 
LiSt OF PAPHCINANIS ...c.ccecnninaninsisinsorsirssessstsnstsnensmsssninsusssssssiniuismaisnssstabaiansions isso Liirhre seta sssiomsbne oss Redblao Rodin rss sientasnasistobearssbustainnsss ios iia: 295 
=; Slalutes International Society-for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.…..….….… ++. cereicreerntatnsetenanmentntenets 370 
= Bylaws International Society far Photogrammetey and Remote Sensing … noter cremiereeeerenencrrenraennis 373 
=< Siatus Société Internationale de Photogrammeéirie et de TélédéteCtiOn................... «eene rennen reete Er FE ee arte ee ET TEEN 381 
- Règlement Intérieur Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection ....................e 385 
- Satzung Internationale Gesellschaft Für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung ....................... ees 394 
- Gescháftsordnung Internationale Gesellschaft Für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung....................... es 398 
- Amendments to the Statutes with Rationale Approved by the General Assembly at the XIX ISPRS Congress, July 2000............... 407 
- Amendments to the Bylaws with Rationale Approved by the General Assembly at the XIX ISPRS Congress, July 2000 ................ 409 
Terms 0f Reference af 1ISPRS BWAKHS ..........occueismteisiosmmammonmsssiminsmsssmsismmmmsnanamatssntites fotos hams eRR e Ree pr ir erPTSo PEE IE ren entente rene 417 
= Terms of Reference'of Awards... oe ecrit rotosmtettte renard te eee tra etats 418 
ze ISPRS AWATd WiNelS……——nnnontemennec can a rt RIS E EEERCS 424 
N ek Gee iY TH EE HS 425 
*" ^Memhers gf the Executive Board Gf CIPA = rte non an annee de et 431 
z. Allabout ihe CIPA SyimpOsia. eoe rttoreteretetoroehtitt tein rete ee eee ae ee etre ess 433 
GUIdOIINES cc. ihn Dither et A DES dp m p man Rer cerae ererrerentn re his eee étre en ere te en ete 435 
- Candidates tor Mambers OF the COUNGIL.......cuiicii na 436 
- "Members Planning to Host an ISPRS Congrass. ...... sostiene ne temere entree rest ee nee lire ise: 436 
=--Hosting a Technical COMMISSION rss c pd dI iu M i c 437 
- ISPRS Financial COMMISSION + cr rare cn rte crc TEE T QN LLUD ou 2 439 
= ISPRS Council Spanding POUGY <rarrereereririennieneiintenenenan denanne (pins dede ee eee le eee 439 
- "ISPRS Awards POÎICY....<<riciéccremameniarmaneniraenmnentnnmneanaann aanntinn de a re 440 
=. Terms of Reference for-Sustaining M@lbers …….……rienrenetranenemetenenentçstonen satin Re 440 
- Publication and Review of the International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote SenSiNQ 441 
- Authors Preparing Manuscripts for ISPRS Congressos and Symposia <<... meon memini eerie eR E eie PER 443 
=. Preparation of National Reports tor Amsterdam Congress 2000 nes Gene eee 445 
HISIOTY o.oo iisissmsnsssssmsssissssssesspsnsasmstinisvasabarnisdeseavansusesonevasavasstseativsasaneomiaiuamminpirs sates ota ek os an at edna adorn ener iratanevasets a shminnts 447 
- The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences .................................. 448 
= Chronology OÉISPRS.……—+ic-cicrrenicinieimimnnnntençanent nent name mere ee om BE ee =a) 450 
= The International Policy Advisoty Colmmitiee (IPAGY..iv..ilinitu cise diisiin iiss itis nso mb de a 454 
= The International Science Advisory Committee (IGAQ).... ......dseistetie netur pae pe node rait tive eise e Rae ani 454 
6 International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 

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