- |AG 2000 Strategic Planning Meetings, Pasadena, USA
- Coordination Meeting with ICRSE and NASA, Green-
belt, USA
- * Meetings with Spanish Society Officers, Barcelona,
- I|SPRS Seminar, Budapest, Hungary
- * Meetings with Turkish Society Officers, Istanbul,
- ASPRS 2000 Convention, Washington, DC, USA
- * Meetings with Italian Society Officer and IAG Presi-
dent, Milan, Italy
- 48rd Session of COPUOS, Vienna, Austria
- "Meeting with Austrian Society Officers, Vienna, Austria
The * indicates my formal presentation of the ISPRS
Plaque of Membership in Good Standing to the Ordinary,
Regional and Honorary Members of the Society.
Other Activities of the President
In addition to the above activities, this President had the
honor to serve on, or Chair, the jury for many Awards, specif-
ically the Brock, Von Gruber, Gamble, Schwidefsky, Scher-
merhorn, Cassinis and Dolezal Awards. | am pleased that we
have selected excellent candidates to receive these Awards.
| am equally pleased that the Commission Presidents
selected outstanding members from each of their Commis-
sions to receive The President’s Honorary Citations.
The position of President is rewarding, yet challenging. It is
a pleasure to interact with our Members, to embark on
enhancements to operations of the Society with my Coun-
cil colleagues, and to see the fruits of our labor. At times,
it has been difficult and time-consuming to prod activities
being conducted voluntarily. | have been fortunate to have
a co-operative, hard-working team. Especially | commend
Secretary General John Trinder for his hard work in contin-
ually communicating with all officers and Members and for
his support in keeping all Society officers towing on the
rope (and in the same direction). He and | literally have sent
thousands of e-mail correspondence and have received
even more! The volume is tremendous. With a heavy travel
schedule and a full-time job, it is difficult to be always
promptly responsive. It is clear that the Internet brings
much efficiency and it will serve a major role in the conduct
of Society affairs.
This is a very brief summary of my activities in serving the
Society during the past four years. We have achieved a lot
and hopefully have made a clearer and easier path for our
successors to follow. It would not have been possible if it
had not been for the very generous support of my employer,
Lockheed Martin Corporation. When | was elected, it
became the first time that an employee of the private sector
would lead ISPRS. | hope that others will follow this path.
The Presidency has taken many quality hours from my wife
and family, which will be impossible to replace. | truly thank
my wife for her understanding and encouragement in my
serving ISPRS. | thank this General Assembly for providing
me this opportunity and your support.
Report of ISPRS Secretary General 1996-2000
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2000
by John C. Trinder
It is my duty and pleasure to present the report of the Sec-
retary General to the ISPRS General Assembly, covering
the period 1996-2000. The primary role of the Secretary
General is the management of the Headquarters of the
Society, communication with Technical Commission Pres-
idents on the management of the Commissions, especially
planning for the inter-Congress Symposia, and approval of
Commission-sponsored workshops, maintenance of
membership details, maintenance of communications with
Members and other relevant international organisations on
all aspects related to ISPRS activities, and provision of the
documentation for the General Assembly at the Congress.
There is a vast amount of detail to report on events over
the last four years, so this report necessarily has to be a
summary of these details.
The level of communication by the Secretary General has
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. — ——
been substantial. Fortunately, modern means of electronic
communication have enabled the transmission and receipt
of the many hundreds of messages per year to be carried
out efficiently and rapidly. Nevertheless, the work of the
Secretary General has amounted to an average of 20-25
hours per week. The activities of ISPRS have increased over
the last 4 years, with additional communications with such
organisations as the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs (UN-
OOSA), ICSU (International Council of Science), the new
membership of CEOS (Committee of Earth Observation
Satellites) and management of the Society's quarterly bul-
letin, ISPRS Highlights. During the period 1996-2000, about
3,300 official messages and letters were sent on behalf of
ISPRS from the Headquarters, many with multiple
addresses. A similar or larger number of messages were
received. Even though the Headquarters has been run
mainly in electronic form, the paper collected on behalf of
ISPRS activities is still substantial, amounting to almost two
complete 4-drawer filing cabinets.