Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

It is with some regret that | have to report that Members 
have not always been as responsive as | would have 
expected. On many occasions my letters to the Member- 
ship have gone unanswered and on urgent matters | have 
had to remind Members of the correspondence or resend 
the letters. Such repeated correspondence is time-consum- 
ing and expensive, and | hope that in future Members will be 
more responsive to the requests of the Secretary General. 
Technical Commissions 
The Technical Commissions have been very active over 
the last four years, and the Technical Commission Presi- 
dents deserve a vote of thanks for their contributions to 
the science and technological activities in ISPRS over the 
period 1996-2000. The achievements of the Commis- 
sions will be covered at the Technical Sessions of this 
Congress, while full summary reports will appear in the 
International Archives for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing Volume XXXIII Part A, as well as in ISPRS High- 
lights. This report has only included some administrative 
issues related to Commissions. Table 1 gives the atten- 
dance and number of technical presentations at the 
seven mid-term Symposia. In addition to these Sym- 
posia, Working Groups of the Commission held 32 
ISPRS-sponsored Workshops during the four years. 
These Workshops were officially approved by the Secre- 
tary General for ISPRS sponsorship and were included in 
the ISPRS events calendar under the ISPRS logo. They 
varied from small closed meetings to larger conferences 
with about 100 attendees. 
Member Status 
A listing of ISPRS Membership has been sent to Members 
annually in the ISPRS Member Lists (Blue Book) by the 
Secretary General. Developments in membership are sum- 
marised below. 
Ordinary Members 
In 1996 at the Vienna Congress, the number of Ordinary 
Members totalled 97. Since then, six new Ordinary Mem- 
bers have been admitted by postal ballot of Ordinary Mem- 
bers as follows: Eritrea and Botswana (June 1997), El Sal- 
vador (October 1998), Bangladesh, Benin and Cameroon 
(June 1999). This brings the total Ordinary Membership to 
103 and a total of 263 votes at the General Assembly. 
However, a number of Ordinary Members have not paid their 
annual subscriptions for many years, nor responded to com- 
munications from the Council. The issue as to whether these 
non-paying ISPRS Members should be maintained has been 
presented to this General Assembly by the Council. 
Table 1 
Commission | 
Date 25-27 February 1998 
Location Bangalore, India 
No of Technical Papers 46 
No of Attendees 173 
Commission Il 
Date 13 —17 July 1998 
Location Cambridge, UK 
No of Technical Papers 62 
No of Attendees 200 
No of Technical Papers 
No of Attendees 
No of Technical Papers 
No of Attendees 
No of Technical Papers 
No of Attendees 
No of Technical Papers 
No of Attendees 
No of Technical Papers 
No of Attendees 
No of Technical Papers 
No of Attendees 
6-10 July 1998 
Columbus, OH, USA 
7-10 September 1998 
Stuttgart, Germany 
2-5 June 1998 
Hakodate, Japan 
15-17 April 1999 
Bandung, Indonesia 
1-4 September 1998 
Budapest, Hungary 
The following Members have changed their names 
- Belarus to State Committee for Land Resources, Geo- 
desy and Cartography of the Republic of Belarus 
- Mexico to National Institute of Statistics, Geography 
and Informatics (INEGI) 
- New Zealand to National Institute of Water and Atmos- 
phere Research Ltd. (NIWA) 
- Slovenia to Section of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing of The Association of Slovenia Surveyors 
- Democratic Republic of Congo - The country Zaire 
has changed its name to Democratic Republic of 
One member, China-Taipei, increased its Category from 3 
to 4, since the Vienna Congress in 1996. ISPRS appreci- 
ates this action by our colleagues from China-Taipei. 
Associate Membership 
At the 1996 Vienna Congress, the category of Associate 
Membership was introduced, with five Associate Mem- 
bers being admitted. Since then, four new Associate 
Members were admitted by postal ballot of Ordinary 
Members as follows: Pakistan Space and Upper Atmos- 
phere Research Committee (SUPARCO) (May 1997), 
Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute in Colombia (Janu- 
ary 1998), Indian National Cartographic Association 
(INCA) (June 1999) and Department of Natural Resources 
(Queensland) in Australia (June 1999). The number of 
Associate Members is now 9. 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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